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You're The One That I Want!

Care to get involved in some skullduggery?

Here’s how:

To steal a hosta from a garden to add to your own, review
the picture posts on this forum over the past few years (since 2012) and select
just one to add to your own collection (that’s the difficult part – narrowing
it down to a single hosta that you would love to own). Strike early by posting
your choice. Once that plant has been taken, it can’t be snatched again. Don’t
identify the hosta or the garden that it came from – some careful sleuthing
will hopefully return the stolen goods back to their rightful owners at a later
date. You have one week to commit your crime!

Should produce a wonderful gallery of stolen treasures!

I’ll trigger this wave of wrongdoing by digging this stunner
up for myself and sneaking it away in the dead of night.


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