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Planting Small Tree vs. Large Tree

I planted a container Colorado Spruce about 3 years ago. It was about 2-3' tall in 10 gallon container. Here is photo taken today:

The front is the tree planted 3 years ago. In the back, it is the tree planted about 10 years ago by the builder. Clearly the new tree is catching up to the old tree very quickly. The area is not irrigated.

Another one. The one in the back is the same 10 year old tree, but transplanted once. It is taller, but has about the same canopy as the new one.

Growth of the new tree, about 5-7 clumps of new growth.

Old tree, about 3-5 clumps of new growth.

Also, during Hurricane Sandy, I lost a couple of the old trees. I'm very certain that the old trees were planted large, as wire-and-burlap trees.

This is the reason for evergreen trees, I always prefer container growth trees vs burlap trees. So more roots are retained. This is particularly for area without regular irrigation.

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