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greylady-gardener's 2015 springbank swap list

hosta--not positive,but it is likely "gold drop"---two small pots--rosco-signet
sedum--purple emperor--small pot--tulip(just a note tulip--got this labelled 'purple emperor' from nursery but it does not have the dark purple leaves that I thought it should have....maybe as it matures?)
coreopsis 'moonbeam'---small pot--flowergirl
corydalis lutea---couple of small pots
hydrangea 'annabelle'--small division--signet

anemone--white-spring flowering, ferny leaves--one pot with a few seedlings

iris--short clear yellow --approx 8-12 inches--tulip

heuchera 'lime rickey'--one to ashley--one to blueiris--one to serendipity
spiderwort--navajo princess-division--signet


veronica--probably "Evaline"-one plant--signet

perennial alyssum

anemone-small division-fall flowering-signet

ornamental grass seedling (second year ?)--blue fescue--one--serendipity (out)

16/05 additions
--very small piece of veronica "royal candles"--flowergirl
--pot of seedlings--cosmos 'rubenza' (old red) probably four in pot--flowergirl--tulip--Ross(out)
--sweet cicely seedlings--probably three or four in pot...not sure how they will transplant so it will be a gamble :) --signet (out)

17/05/15 additions

--anyone interested in a very small (2-1/2-3 inch) seedling of a Japanese ivory silk lilac tree?--one for tulip

--sedum--will be approx 12-15 inches tall with light green leaves and pink flowers (NOT autumn joy)

--sedum--Vera Jameson--four single stems (each with some roots) in a pot--can be planted separately for four smaller plants or together in a bunch for one plant--tulip


--eddoe plant --(tuber is just poking through the soil about an inch or so....similar to elephant ears--is actually a tropical vegetable--this link shows it if you scroll down past the elephant ears.-- --serendipity (out)

--veronica twilight (upright not prostrate)--one pot--blueiris

--mini hosta "tiny tears" pot with two very small pieces--navygirl

--hosta "stiletto" two small pots--signet & tulip

19/05/15 additioins

--impatiens balfourii (aka poor man's orchid) a few seedlings available--two for tulip (more available)

--one small dwarf lady's mantle

20/05/15 additions

--yarrow--moonshine--one plant available

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