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Lowes Rose mystery - definitely NOT "Love"

Hi folks

Sorry for the deluge in questions - one last rose mystery. I found this one at Lowe's labeled as "Love", and with the obvious white and dark pink stripes, that's absolutely what it isn't and why I bought it, as I have all the "Love" I need (smile - the rose, of course). I'm torn between what I'd like it to be and what might be plausibly common enough to show up at Lowe's. I'm not even sure it's a Hybrid Tea, since the leaves are notably light green and many of them are missing the pointed tip that is characteristic of so many HTs.

In terms of common flowers, some likely possibilities might be Julio Iglesias, Perfume Tiger, or Scentimental. Rock 'n Roll or Rockin' Robin are outside possibilities, but it's too cup-shaped I think for those. Again, I apologize that the bloom is nearly spent by the time I got it home. I'd love it to be Broceliande, or Peppermint Swirl, or Peppermint Splash, but those aren't that common in commerce. It might even be an OGR, and I'd dearly love it to be Ferdinand Pichard or Honorine de Brabant, but that's a stretch for Lowe's. My sinking suspicion is that if it's an OGR, it's Variegata di Bologna, a blink-and-you-miss-it once bloomer I already have. Oh, I can fit it somewhere (certainly for $10 for a huge plant), but anything else would be more welcome.

Sky's the limit here, so I really am lost. What do you think? Thanks again.


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