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Unfurling favourite hosta photos

I'm surrounded by snow so I came up with a thread idea from Jon's post on edible shoots actually. Thanks for the inspiration! ;-)

Do you have a favourite shot, or more, where you captured a hosta in the unfurling stage? That perfect rosette, funnel, vortex or whatever word you might use to show the awakening beauty of hosta leaves? Before they fully open up?

I had to really search but I found a few to get us started.

Since our southern-most friends have theirs already actively growing, their pics would be more recent. But they don't have to be. Mine obviously are from last year.

So then, hunt through your pictures and find your favourite(s) UNFURLING hosta(s) to share.

My first one pictured above is 'Frances Williams'.

This golden beauty is Marrakech. Almost too unfurled but rosettes still present.

Can't see down into the rosettes but seeing the white strip of Striptease is interesting. Will have to try and capture a "rosette" shot this season!

Also almost too open, this is 'Hydon Sunset', a mini.

'Guardian Angel'

'Fire and Ice'

'Wheee!' could be further along by maybe a week..I'll try for a better pic this year.

Well, that should get us started....surprisingly, I don't have as many as I thought I did!

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