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Pictures of my yard this year

mustbnuts zone 9 sunset 9
9 years ago
last modified: 9 years ago

Well, my back yard looks nothing like it used to. Had to pull out my main rose bed due to roses reverting back to root stock. It seems like all I have are little twigs compaired to last year. Still waiting for my order from Roses Unlimited. Who knows when they will arrive.

My arbor is totally uncovered as the climbers went. However, I am thrilled with Flamingo Dancer. She is a beaut! She is also growing fast. I try to not let them bloom (OK, one bloom to make sure it is the right plant), but she is throwing out blooms everywhere. She is fantastic. Can't wait to see what she does in the future.

My first old rose, Vick's Caprice. I adore him as well. He loved being in a pot and sulked for a bit of time when he was placed in the ground. He seems to be finally putting on some new growth.

Last year's back yard.

This year's back yard

Patience Grasshopper! Next year will be better.

Everyone has seen last year's front walkway. Here is this years. I divided and replanted iris. The day lilies still haven't bloomed as of yet and neither have the penstimens. The Laurentia is almost blooming.

Here is another view of the front, at twilight. That is Munstead Wood in the front.

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