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Tropical Fruit Tree sale in Palmetto, FL May 17th

9 years ago

There is a big tropical fruit tree sale in Palmetto, FL (south of Tampa/north of Sarasota), Sunday, May 17th from 10am-4pm. This is one of the largest one day, tropical fruit tree sales. There are many vendors and will have a table set up to answer your questions about growing tropical fruit trees.

We will personally be bringing over 150 fruit trees (which is just a small fraction of what will be available at the sale). There will be some wagons on hand thanks to Big Earth Landscape.

We will be bringing great varieties of Mango, lychee, sapodilla, banana, and more. We will have a lot of Inga (Ice Cream Bean) and Miracle fruit trees as well as Lulo (naranjilla) . We hope to have some ripe fruit to sample as well.

Arrive early for the best selection!
