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Can you hire Landscape Architects/Designer just for the plan?

9 years ago

Hello! We live in a small HOA subdivision in NC. We've added nothing to our lot since our house went up six years ago. It's too intimidating because what we are looking at is our house in the front of a 1/4 acre lot that has nothing except the four bushes and one tree and the sprinkler system that came with the house when they built it.

What I really want to do is hire a landscape architect or designer to design a plan that we can then pull together through both paid projects and DIY as we have the money and time. I personally enjoy the simple DIY aspects but past a certain point would need to hire out for anything more difficult. Is this something that either a Landscape Architect or Designer would do? Or do they expect to to be hired to oversee the implementation of their plan and have the whole plan construction start immediately?

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