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9 years ago

I have been complimented many times and they always embarrass me; I always feel that they have not said enough.
Mark Twain

There's something liberating about not pretending. Dare to embarrass yourself. Risk.
Drew Barrymore

You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty.
Jessica Mitford

As parents know, little children are, by their nature, without guile. They speak the thoughts of their minds without reservation or hesitance as we have learned as parents when they embarrass us at times. They do not deceive. They set an example of being without guile.
Joseph B. Wirthlin

Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.
Richard Branson

I said that if an alien came to visit, I'd be embarrassed to tell them that we fight wars to pull fossil fuels out of the ground to run our transportation. They'd be like, 'What?'
Neil deGrasse Tyson

If you're embarrassed because you have some notion about how men are supposed to behave, and it doesn't include weeping, then you have some personal work to do.
Ray Bradbury

Things change when you get to 40. I'm embarrassed even that I'm going through it. In a very morbid way, at 40 you become aware of how long you've been on Earth and you start to question what you're going to use the remaining time doing.
Sharon Horgan

To an adolescent, there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent.
Dave Barry

I have found great power in taking my 'difference' out for a spin in a very public way. And usually, the worst, most personally embarrassing thing you imagine in your mind is often not anywhere near as bad in real life.
Aimee Mullins

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