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Week 40: Sacrificed? Unobtainable dreams? Which direction?

A lot of questions this morning!

Other than your entire life for kids, what have you had to let go? Your Plan, or Dream?

In my case, it's a finished, warm home. I'm sitting here shivering, despite the heat being on. It's colder than a well digger's butt in here and I have a $500 power bill pending. [end whine] I'd have loved a fireplace. It was in the Plan and doable at one point. I've had to sacrifice that Dream item for more practical things, such as paying the mortgage.

It's not an unobtainable Dream, but being a 56 year old waitress/bartender/yoga teacher (again) it's probably going to go by the wayside.

Having to change my Plan send me in a different building and decorating direction. Not so terrible. I built cabinets floor to ceiling. Very useful. The Hope-Springs-Eternal in my left the middle section removable in case my direction brings me 'round enough to ever afford a fireplace!

Trying to make this about homes, which includes kitchens, I've chosen a Dream item to talk about. I realize some of you have had H.U.G.E. life changes that have dramatically changed your direction, as evidenced in last week's thread. (Holy Moly!) It's incredible what you've handled and just carried on. I'm sure that had a trickle-down effect and has changed how you viewed your home and what you did with it.

Just curious about what you feel you had to let go to obtain function?
Do you feel your Dream is still there, somewhere, lurking in the back ground?
Are you happy with the direction towards which you found yourself moving?
Are you trying to move back towards "The Dream?"
Or changing how you incorporate The Dream back into your direction?

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