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Post hole filled with compost for deep soil conditioning

I am trying to find a way to fix my soil as deep and fast as possible. My soil is horrible, I had to dig a 4'x4'x4' hole(a dry well for rain drainage) and it is clay very deep. Another indicator is if I run my sprinkler for >15 min I get so much runoff that my water main vault fills completely.

Last year I tilled compost into the top 6 inches of soil. I am going completely organic, no chemicals or fertilizers. I mulch mow my grass and mow my fall leaves into the grass, I have done this for the 2 years I have owned the house. Last year I bought some earthworms and spread them in my yard(probably useless but I did it).

In the future I plan to have a yearly top dress of 1" of compost along with gathering as many leaves as possible(my neighborhood has a yearly pickup of leaves that I plan to take, then shred and spread).

Recently I came across a forum post suggesting that the person dig a 3"x3"x18" hole with a post hole digger, then fill it with compost, then let nature spread the compost. Will this work? If so I was thinking of digging one of these holes every 3 or 4 feet, then re-evaluating this next year and possibly doing it again, offset from the previous year, rinse, repeat until I have great soil?

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