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Sad Green Isle Ficus, Happy Mistletoe Ficus

9 years ago

Hi everyone,

A week ago, in a fit of the winter blues, I drove a long distance to the closest bonsai shop and walked home with half a dozen plants. Now they are all home and re-potted (into more attractive pots, no major root trimming was done). The two now hanging out in the kitchen window are a Green Isle Ficus and a Mistletoe Ficus (diversifolia) So here's the issue:

Green Isle Ficus is dropping leaves. I KNOW ficus love to drop leaves when they've experienced a "life change" but I wasn't sure if this is only for Benjamina (I have a fickle 6' specimen who has done that in the past) or all Ficus. Also, the Mistletoe ficus is as happy as a clam and has lost no leaves, in fact is putting out new ones!

They were next to each other in the nursery, so they should be used to the same conditions. The only difference in treatment is that Green Isle was on my kitchen counter (about 4 feet from the window) for about 3 days whereas Mistletoe was put on the window sill immediately. He dropped two leaves while on the counter. Green Isle is now also at the window sill, but has dropped 8 more leaves since. I'd love it if the Green Isle lived as he came with a bit of training and so was a bit pricier, whereas Mistletoe was only about $5! Go figure.

Suggestions? Encouragement? Thanks in advance.

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