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Elderly mother cancelled her long-term care policy

10 years ago

Apparently, the premiums were increasing significantly each month, so my mother unilaterally decided to cancel her long-term care policy. One of the clauses provided in-home nursing care. She told me she cancelled the policy after the fact.

She will be 90 this year and is mostly "with it", although this is one big example of where I think she's starting to have cognitive issues.

To make matters worse, she has spent the last 50 years (since I was a child) imploring me to make sure she spends her final years at home and not in a nursing home. For years, every time we'd visit a relative in a home or pass by the local nursing facility, she'd make a point of telling me that she "NEVER wants to go there!!".

When she told me that she cancelled the policy, I responded that she was tying my hands should she become immobile or otherwise in need of round-the-clock care. I asked her how she expected to stay in her home under those circumstances without the long-term care policy?

Instead of stating that she has $x amount of other funds earmarked for her care, she just got angry with me for pointing out the obvious (I guess).

Is there any planning I can do now to help honor my mother's wishes despite the fact that she's pulled the rug out from under me (and herself) on this matter?

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