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christine's garden

18 years ago

blimey, I have already despaired of GW but this latest effort takes the biscuit. Is it just me or does anyone else find the tedious wittering and frankly deadly old photo albums, dull neighbours and tonight, another decrepit 'lecturer' with a desperately dull garden. As a northerner myself, I am heartily sick of this cod 'salt of the earth' stereotype of ee by gum buffoons but worse than the continual pushing of fatuous 'characters' is the almost total lack of anything interesting, useful, inspiring - unless you get your kicks watching reg bumble about whilst Christine shrieks reeeeeally super! God, I am generally stubbornly persistent with gardening programmes, such is the dearth of decent TV (especially during this endelessly dreary January, but I simple could not bear to watch another minute - even Groundforce may have been preferable.

It all seemed to start off OK but ran out of steam after the first 20 minutes....a whole series!!! Sorry to rant but this was just tragic.

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