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A message to the gardening forum from Anonymous


In an attempt to expose more areas of the internet to the atrocities of the church of Scientology, I am posting this message to multiple areas of this online forum.

I apologize, but such blatant spamming is necessary, and realize that my account with this forum is most likely to be banned for this offense.

This in mind, the purpose of this message is to inform you that the "church" of Scientology has engaged in a war with the online activist group Anonymous. A few of the reasons for Anonymous' engagement with the church of Scientology are as follows:

-Scientology's blatant censorship of information about itself across the internet

-Extortion and Blackmailing of its members

-Ridiculously priced "courses" designed to convince its members to pay for more of the same courses (Pyramid Scheming)

-Scientology's Fair Game Policy - Stating that any person deemed to be suppressive to Scientology must be targeted in any way possible by any Scientologist who knows that the subject is a suppressive person.

-Scientology's Disconnection Policy - Stating that anybody deemed to be a Suppressive Person (SP) should be excommunicated from the church, and that all members of the church of Scientology are never to speak or have contact with that person again- a tactic commonly used to seperate families.

-Scientology's forced abortions for its SeaOrg members

-Scientology's crimes against humanity, the deaths of church critics caused by the church, and the infiltrations of the United States Government(Google Operation Snow White), the IRS(Google Operation Freakout), and other agencies to cover its tracks

Please note that Anonymous believes in freedom of thought, and that there is a 'Free-zone', which is a group of people with Scientologist beliefs that do not have the integrated Pyramid Scheme, that do not use Blackmail to keep members quiet, and do not otherwise attempt to cause harm to ex-scientologists and critics. Anonymous harbors no animosity toward this 'Free Zone', and encourages any potential Scientologists to join their ranks.

Information about Scientology's crimes can be found amongst these locations:

This year, two demonstrations have been held outside of the buildings over almost every Scientologist facility in the world, spanning every continent and multiple countries.

On February 10th of this year, approximately 9000 people turned out all across the globe to protest the crimes and tax-exempt status of the Church of Scientology, and on March 15th of this year, Anonymous protested again, with a turnout increase of over 150%.

Our next protest, Operation Reconnect, is scheduled to take place on the 12th of April of this year, and will be focusing on Scientology's Disconnection Policy, which is used by the church to remove its members' contacts with the outside world, thus making it harder for its members to end their affiliation with the...

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