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Pitaya 'dragon tree' - how to make

19 years ago

Hi all,

I came across a couple of descriptions on how to build a commercial type set up for a Pitaya, or Dragon Fruit. This was called a "dragon tree" and interests me, as I would like to get a lot more fruit (any!) from my plant/s. However, the descriptions weren't all THAT informative.

Does anybody have any real idea, or best ideas on how to grow the Pitaya in this fashion?

The 'dragon tree', as described, was designed to have the cactus grow up a tree-like structure and then hang over the outstretched layout (at top - like an umbrella), to let the branches and fruit just hang over.

I'm thinking that a trelis might provide a still 'messy' look to this climbing beast.

Also, is the pitaya water hungry or should it be kept on a 'starved diet' ?


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