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making Kowhai happy in US

19 years ago

New Zealand Gardeners,

I have had a Kowhai (Sephora microphylla) 'Sun King' in a pot for a year. I want to try to plant it out at our new home. The tag says it can take low temperatures of -12C, is that true? Our low temperatures rarely get that low, but once or twice a winter we get about -20C. I would be happy to give it a little additional protection at that time. Anyway we have mild, wet winters and humid summers, and our soil is heavy red clay. Will this plant be happier in the ground, some plants really hate living in pots. I know full sun will be best, so I am putting this shrub against a south facing wall. How would you suggest I prepare the soil? Will this plant tolerate humidity? Does it like acid or alkaline soil? Please help me give it a good home.

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