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new regulations in US re seed exchange

22 years ago

A letter I received from SIGNA Seed Exchange (US):

The future of our seed exchange is seriously threatened by new regulations of the USDA which require any seed sent from outside the U.S. to be accompanied by a phystosanitary certificate. This is a difficult and costly procedure for our non-U.S. members. It will likely end donations of seed from these members.

Many people from different seed exchanges have been trying to get the USDA to give an exemption to these regulations to make an exception for small packets of seed, such as we receive for our seed exchange. The USDA has refused to grant this exemption and stated that our only option

now is to petition for a change in the regulations.

(Best to be forewarned. Not a lot of use sending seeds that will be confiscated by APHIS - Jan)

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