Posted by SteelToad Z7 DE on Fri, Mar 14, 03 at 10:34 Well, my seedlings are doing very well, even after I got them a little leggy
by having the light too high. I'm getting ready to move them into individual
pots (cups) and I was wondering ... Is it a good idea, or a bad idea to plant
them a little deeper so that the stem has more support and isn't as topheavy,
or would that harm the plant ?
Thanx all, as always Posted by: lil_Rhody z6b RI on Fri, Mar 14, 03 at 13:10I did that to all my seedlings when I transplanted them to styro cups and
they are doing just fine.
PaulB Posted by: john47 Maine z4/5 on Fri, Mar 14, 03 at 14:20 I transplant mine several times and plant them deeper each time just like
john Posted by: NorthEast_ChileMan 6a MA on Fri, Mar 14, 03 at 18:59 Ray,
Agree with above. I do not believe peppers grow roots from stems as 'maters
do, but I've had no "ill effects" from transplanting pepper plants
deeper to try to slow legginess before transplanting outdoors.
Paul Posted by: John__ShowMe__USA 5 on Fri, Mar 14, 03 at 19:20 I plant mine deep too. Never have had a stem rot.
JohnT Posted by: Byron 4a/5b NH on Fri, Mar 14, 03 at 19:52 I tried planting deeper for a couple years, The 3rd year
I did a cmparison test, The one that were planted with the
root ball just barely below the soil surface appeared to
domuch better, Never saw any new roots above the orginal root ball.
Just my observations
Byron Posted by: peppermania Z9 Texas on Fri, Mar 14, 03 at 20:18 I agree with all of the above.
I transplanted just about everybody last weekend. Some of those ganglely 'ol
C baccatums that, no matter what, I couldn't get them close enough to the
lights, got potted as much as 4", even at a near 90 angle. They
are just as happy as can be. A good light potting medium with plenty of organic matter and that does not
hold too much moisture is a must (at least in my mind). I have also had a PERFECT week for hardening off down here! YIPPEEE! Beth in Texas Posted by: NorthEast_ChileMan 6a MA on Fri, Mar 14, 03 at 21:00 Yea Beth, been watchin'.... Got another four inches of snow yesterday but
temps to reach 50°F by Sunday.....yea....
Paul Posted by: peppermania Z9 Texas on Fri, Mar 14, 03 at 21:14 ChileMan:
Johnny Cash "How high is that snow momma?" June Carter "Six feet deep and a rizin'!" Surely it has to end soon...... Beth - Barefooted in Texas Posted by: plants1010 z6 WA on Sat, Mar 15, 03 at 13:52 When I transplant plants deeper many of my peppers do sprout roots above the
original root ball (sometimes they even sprout the root buds on the stem BEFORE
I transplant, humidity related I think). I never thought it was unusual, so
I never kept track, but I know for a fact I have a bell and a dundicut that
did that recently. I dont think I ever had that happen with the more woody
ones, like tepin. Posted by: John__ShowMe__USA 5 on Sat, Mar 15, 03 at 16:46 > (sometimes they even sprout the root buds on the stem BEFORE I transplant,
humidity related I think). Happens all the time to my unplanted spare pepper plants that I keep in
an old glass aquarium on my deck in case I need them for replacements. I posted
a picture last year.
JohnT Posted by: plants1010 z6 WA on Sat, Mar 15, 03 at 22:56 I acutually payed attention to root buds today and I was amazed. I was chopping
back a 4.5' x 5' fatalii bush and was surprized I never noticed that root buds
went up 2' from the soil! By the time I get it pruned back far enough to fit
through the door it will have root buds near the top of the plant! The pot
its in is about 8 gallons, I dont know if thats enough for a 4.5' x 5' bush
(hence the early pruning) so it could be from being root bound. Humidity is
probably still a factor. Now that I think about it, it usually happens when plants are root bound
or loosing a fight for root space with another plant. Posted by: Juzen z7 Germany on Sun, Mar 16, 03 at 6:45 Controlled studies at Florida have shown that peppers and tomatoes should
be planted deeper. Summary: Best seems to be planting to the first true leaves: "Extra-large fruit volume was increased at first harvest by deeper planting
(Figure 2). Extra-large fruit volume was greatest for the deepest planting
and was significantly less for the cotyledon and root ball plantings. The
extra-large fruit response appeared to be a first harvest phenomenon as the
other treatments "caught
up" after four harvests. Sunny did not show the same response as Agriset
and Colonial, implying different cultivars may respond differently to planting
depth. This aspect is undergoing further examination." © and "Is deeper better? Yes! Preliminary statistical analysis reveals that
planting to the cotyledon leaf offers the same benefit as planting to the first
true leaf where total boxes at first harvest is concerned. However, in two
of the five "successful" trials, a significantly greater yield of
ex-large fruit at first harvest when planting to the first true leaf was shown."
- excerpted from Southwest Florida Research & Education Center, UF/IFAS website Jürgen
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