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What type of strawberries can be grown in a container?

12 years ago

Strawberries come in three main types: June bearing strawberries have one crop in early summer.
Everbearing plants produce two crops: one in summer and another in the fall.
Day neutral strawberries produce fruit throughout the summer, but in smaller amounts than other plants.

While all strawberries can be grown in containers, Everbearing and day neutral strawberries are the best choices for containers.

All strawberries need full sun for at least six hours a day.

For best results, put the plants in a rich soil or potting media, set the strawberry plant in the soil so that the soil is just covering the tops of the roots. Do not cover the crown.

For best fruiting, water and feed your strawberries on a regular basis. Give your plants a potassium-rich fertilizer once a month and every two weeks during harvest season.

Let the fruit ripen on the plant, picking your strawberries when they are red and juicy;

Click here to learn more about how to grow your own strawberries.

