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Great Leapin' Lapins! The Amazing Race... spoiler...

FlamingO in AR
12 years ago

Was that not the CUTEST thing you've ever seen? I LOVED that, that was the neatest, most adorable task/detour/roadblock/whatever they've ever done on TAR. If we had been on the race, I would have picked that challenge for sure. Too fun!

When I was a kid, I had a pet rabbit named Whiskey that looked a lot like one of the rabbits shown. He wasn't nearly as well trained at those rabbits, but I did take him for walks in the park on the leash and harness. He did great unless a dog barked, then he would freak and go binging around like a pinball in a machine!

I wasn't too sorry to see the losing team leave, the father was starting to get on my nerves with his "I'm so much better/smarter than my son" attitude, even though he didn't say that kind of thing all the time. He just wasn't as wonderful as he seems to think he is and he came off as a braggart.

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