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How Young Is too Young

15 years ago

How young is too young for a child to have a cell phone?

I'm asking this question after watching Oprah Winfrey's show today...and hearing what a 12 year old girl was texting to a 12 year old boy....and the boy sharing with his mother what was being texted and her delima to call girl's mom or not....

all three of my GD have them and the oldest is 13...granted the youngest lost her power cord at the skating rink the first day, so, it's not always about age, but more about responsibility and maturity! but,

if all of the young children that have been hurt or killed just during the last month had had a would their lives be could have made a difference.

My HD immediately gets on his "well when I was" soap box and I just had to walk out of the room....wanting to say...the question was not about cell phones or text messaging so much as "should boy's mom call girl's mom"

to let her know what is happening! Banging my head on the wall!

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