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Spin Off of the Enjoying Life Thread

13 years ago

That was a very fascinating thread that brings up another question for me. As someone who majored in psychology and has worked in mental health for a long time, I wonder all the time about how much "happiness" is a choice?

I've been around many, many folks with depression, or people who may not necessarily be depressed but who are constantly negative, complain, never matter how good their life seems from the outside. I know people whose entire identities seem to revolve around being miserable and they don't seem to realize how much that affects others. And then there are always the people who have gone through great hardships and troubles, yet seem happy and have a positive outlook. Glass half full folks, and glass have empty folks!

I'm curious as to what people think about this....I'm also very curious if the perspective is vastly different depending on if folks perceive themselves as being a happy person or not ( people who identify as happy think it's mostly a choice vs people who think they aren't happy see it as something they have no control over).

I see myself as being a generally happy person who feels very lucky to have the life I've made (and received), and I DO feel there is some choice. I feel like there have been several times in my life (especially after the death of loved ones) where I felt like I had a definite choice on how to look at it and how to continue living my life. I also am a worry wart and get anxiety but try not to let those get in the way of me being happy. I also feel our genes and upbringing affect our happiness in general. I also realize that believing that happiness is a choice might be "easy for me to say" because I'm not prone to depression.

So, do you think there is any choice on how happy of a person you are? If so, how much is choice, and how much is the cards we are dealt? Just curious of everyone's opinions, especially you folks who stated you weren't particularly happy or don't really enjoy life. Do you feel like any of that is your choice and you can do something about it, or not?

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