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Things You Are Doing Today?

This morning I went to the last of the barn sales for this season. I went with Amber. They had a basket of very nice butternut squash and I bought 3 big ones, $1.00 each and a Gooseberry Patch Cookbook, $2.00. It was the Christmas one. Saturday Amber is having a rummage sale at her house. We went to the newspaper and put the ad in and also to the bank to get change for it. I have a pot of beef vegetable soup simmering and am putting together a hot chicken salad and the pasta bake is in the refrigerator ready to bake. I will also make potato soup and have ready. I have to ice the angel food cake. I may make up some apple salad if I have time. This is food we will eat on tomorrow and Saturday. Tomorrow we will set up the rummage sale. I have beef barbecue thawing to take for sandwiches. Soon I need to start on the laundry. I am taking a break for a little bit. Are you doing anything today?


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