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It's all about me...

12 years ago

Well as you might know, I lost my mom on the 2nd of June after a 10 year cancer battle. The danged stuff would be knocked down and it kept coming back.

Finally, it went all through her. She had chemo, but never made it past a few weeks treatment. A trip to the hospital ended up with her going on hospice care and she died 1 1/2 weeks later.

It was hard caring for her at first because she was very angry about us "taking over her house" and when the in home nurses checked her every day - she was fit to be tied. When hospice came they gave her "happy" drugs and it was a wonderful time to have with her except for the night she went "Yellow Submarine" on us and was way too happy.

She had hallucinations of an animal named Mamma Happy Bear and laughed and laughed. My sister and I never thought we would hear her laugh again so it was kind of poignant - both funny and sad, but we laughed along. A change in meds and she was normal again.

A few days before she died, she looked at me and said "boy I'm really going to miss you" I asked where she was going and she said "big move"

I guarantee I miss her much more.

She died peacefully in her sleep right after I had left and my brother was on "his shift". He walked out and back in and she was gone.

In the meantime, I had looked at puppies about an hour from here. I was hoping mom would live to see Jetty, but she didn't.

There are good days and days that I wish I would just die myself and pray that God would just take me too. Those days pass. This 9/11 stuff is hitting me hard so I can't watch it.

We have had 2 yard sales of her belongings - everything except clothes and they were donated to the welfare center in town.

We just couldn't handle a stranger flopping my mom's clothes on a table and talking the price down.

I guess I am a strong person because this hasn't killed me (yet). I am the one that has the job of digging out stuff and pricing it. It's hard not to bring everything home that you remember having as a child.

Jetty helps. If I didn't keep a good eye on him - he would have already chewed every thing we own. He is funny and gawky as only a big pup can be.

Mom's house will probably be sold - it is old (log cabin underneath) and has tiny rooms and a leaky basement so we hope it will sell. It might end up being a rental with all that headache.

Anyway, when Granlan said it was good to see me posting again, I thought I'd better do an update.

I am surviving. Thriving will take a while.


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