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First day of school today

11 years ago

Today is the first day of school in Los Angeles. It is so early that my daughter's family had to change their traditional family vacation week with the in-laws the last two summers. Grandson is in first grade and was excited to return to school to see his friends.

Last night wardrobe was selected, then changed, and another selected. So exciting--he is wearing his scorpion shirt. Snacks and lunch were packed for an early trip to school to see everyone this morning and find out who else is in his class this year and play before they settle down to classrooms. His best friend is in the class with him and about 5 others he knows from kindergarten and youth sports. It should be a good year. The few who were in classes where they did not know others that well were buoyed with calls of "See you at recess!" In a couple of days, everyone will be comfortable with the new classes and teachers.

So I am driving up shortly and we will have a late lunch when we pick him up from school. If last year was anything to go by, he will be starving. I assume it is an In 'N' Out day, or as he calls it, The Chocolate Shake Store!

It is also my DDs 8th wedding anniversary. I will get the kids fed and to bed while she and her DH go out for an early dinner. They celebrated their anniversary with dinner out while they were on vacation, but this is a nice touch too.

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