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Not again!

11 years ago

I represented a woman in a divorce case some 20 years ago. Actually, only part of the case, as she found a new attorney partway through. She was mentally ill, I believe with paranoid schizophrenia. She was often enraged, had pressured speech, and was convinced that everyone in the court system - including me and all subsequent attorneys - were working against her.

A few years after she got the new lawyer, she ended up being charged with attempted murder. She allegedly broke into her husband's boat, where he was living, at 3:00 a.m. using an axe, then threatened to kill him with the same axe.

Flash forward 15 years, and she starts calling me, leaving minutes-long tirades about how I (and everyone else involed with her case) have ruined her life. She left several dozen 3-minute-long phone messages within a week, then stopped. (I did return the first call, and tried to re-direct her toward her then-current attorney.)

Now it's 5 years later, and I've started getting the calls again. One yesterday, two today. Ranting, swearing, but not threatening. I finally called the police today. As I suspected, there's not much they can do. They said I could bring charges for harassment, but I don't want to get her charged criminally - I just want her to stop calling. The officer called to tell her this, so we'll see. I still feel better having her name on file, in case it keeps happening to me or starts happening to someone else.

It was sort of funny, though. Because I'm a lawyer and am always conscious of documenting, I met the police officer with a written description of everything that had happened and a DVD with recordings of all the calls. He laughed and said that usually *he* writes the police reports!

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