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Just ticked off at the world. (Vent)

16 years ago

DH was trying to do his part and save money on gas and be "Green" by riding his bike to work. It takes longer but he loves to exercise (former marathon runner), so thought he could do several things at once this way; exercise, save money and the enviroment. It was locked right outside the company's door in a bike rack. But someone just walking by stole it and security did nothing. He filled out a police report, like that will do anything.

His work won't do anything about it, even though they are the ones who have been promoting "Green" ways of commuting to work. Telling employees to take public transportation, car pool or bike to work. It was caught on the company's cameras. Obviously the person stole it did so to resell it, not because they needed it. DH is just under 6'2" so it is a very tall bike frame. It was stolen by someone who had to walk it away because, though an adult, he was short.

BTW this is his second bike stolen in 3 years. He is looking at used bikes on Craigslist, but hard to find one that fits. He loves to ride his bike and does so after work almost every day and it is good exercise. I wish I loved to exercise that much, maybe I wouldn't be so fluffy. LOL

So something that was suppose to save money is now going to cost us money. I am just so tired of the world being this way.


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