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Whirlpool Fridge Ice/Water Tray -Can't Keep Clean

14 years ago

So after the regrets of bying a side x side, my next regret was in regards to the handles...textured. Shows every single bit of dirt, grime, whatever.

I found myself wiping those handles every time I walked into the kitchen.

Now, I limit myself to twice, maybe 3 wipes a day, but still...Yucky!

The paddles to release the ice and cold water get just as bad, just as fast and the only thing I've found so far to get them almost completely white again is the Magic Eraser.

What I've been doing about the ice/water tray that looks horrible after one day....leaving guests to think that I've never cleaned it since I got the fridge five years ago....

I've been removing the tray, soaking it in a plastic bowl of CLR, rinsing it well and replacing tray. Only to have to do it again in two days!

NOT that I do it ever two days, mind you. Got other, more pressing things to keep me busy.

But there has to be a way to keep this cleaner looking, No?

We don't have hard water.

The darker gunk seems to settle more on the right side of the tray so I got out my handy-dandy level and found the fridge to be level...right on the button.

I thought maybe it was the purifier so I changed it even though the fridge 'change filter' light hadn't come on yet.

I've checked around the net to see if this is a common problem with the Whirlpool Fridge.

I found problems with the motor to ice maker going out too fast but not about the Ick in the tray.

Any other suggestions?

The picture below....I used the CLR the morning of Christmas Eve. The day after Christmas I had to do the CLR thing. This picture is from last night.

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