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Mini Reveal- farmhouse modern and plea for lighting ideas

12 years ago

Our cabinets were installed over Thanksgiving break, while we were away. The countertops have been templated, and the install is this Thursday. I may actually have a sink and a dishwasher by the weekend! You have all been so helpful during our process that I wanted to share some early pictures and beg for some lighting assistance.

From 2012_12_03
From 2012_12_03
From 2012_12_03

While I am sure you all love the bare bulb over the island, I bet more than a few of you think I should put in something a bit more elaborate.

First lighting question: I love the cute little sconces I have over the two windows, but do you think the finish is a mistake? I could paint them matte black, or do a rubbed on black finish to antique them. Black will match the pulls I have planned and the cast iron grate on the stove. I am fine with mixing metal finishes, but I feel strongly that all the light fixtures in the kitchen should be the same finish. Since the island light will be more visible, which finish do you think will look best there(it can't be polished anything because my husband and children loathe all things shiny and we are totally a non-bling family)?

Second lighting question: Help me find a light! I can hang one fixture over the island, there are post and beam constraints. The center of the island is centered between to beams and in the center of those two beams is one box. The island is 94" x 38". Some of the lights I have considered are in the style called "island lights", like these:
{{gwi:1987062}}From lighting
{{gwi:1987063}}From lighting
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But then I wonder if I should go in a completely different direction like this:
Love the shape and the industrial feel but I think I might tire of it.{{gwi:1987065}}From lighting

Or this one, again love the shape, but the bare bulbs would bug me I think, {{gwi:1987066}}From lighting

This one has a rustic feel, but is still modern and I am intrigues by the idea of a round shape in my very straight edged space, but could it work
{{gwi:1987067}}From lighting

One major concern is that the space is busy with the beam and I don't want too much visual clutter overhead. I just keep going round and round on finish and style and shape, I really need guidance and look forward to all your brilliant thoughts and perspectives.

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