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10 ft ceilings in the kitchen

17 years ago

This might be a "home building" forum question, but since it's specific to the kitchen, I thought I'd post it here first....

Our current home plans are based around 10' 1st floor ceilings (9' 2nd floor). I'm comfortable with that height in all the 1st floor rooms except the kitchen - I'm not crazy about having a gap between the tops of the cabinets and the ceiling, and 10' of cabinets is simply too tall (and may look funny - I've never seen a house w/10' of cabinets!).

Does anyone have pics of what they've done w/the top foot or two of their 10' walls? Display cabs? Soffits/coved ceiling to lower the cabinets walls? These seem to be the most obvious solutions, but I thought you all might have more clever ideas!



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