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long term thinking and worrying about $$$

14 years ago

i already have a lovely home, though the kitchen, mudroom and entry are not designed for ease of use or decent traffic flow.

additionally, the kitchen is functional, but we lack matching cabs and countertops.

hubby is undergoing chemo again, and his long term survival is not probable.

i'm fifty and have had cancer myself, and realise it will come back someday. (in which case i already have a master suite on the ground floor just in case...).

so, we have a decent enough income with pensions and my work, but i am dying to finish the house properly for myself.

i am also aware that interest rates are so low that i can borrow enough against my equity to finance a killer reno and keep my monthly payments what they are today.


i'll lose some pension when dh passes away. not all, but one third maybe.

if the worst happens and i lose him and my job, i'll still have some income from his pension and rental income if i rent the apt and bdrms to people.

i'm worried about doubling my debt, though my interest rate is insanely low and locked in for thirty years.

i feel that i should celebrate life and fulfill my dreams for this house---but again, what if i lose him and my job, i'd be pretty poor in a fab house.

the other factor is doing the reno will add huge value to the house, but i've already got the best location on my road, if not the fanciest house already.

argh, why am i so wishy washy?i've been planning this reno since i bought this house, over 21 years ago!!!

what would you do if you were me?

btw, my house is on a brook with huge waterfalls, a covered bridge, swimming holes, etc.

there is really not a lot of homes or homesites anything like it---and this area is bound to take off in the next twenty years as the population grows.

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