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How I almost ruined my kitchen before it is even finished

Jean Farrell
15 years ago

Our kitchen is not really set up to be used, but our appliances are installed and working. So we actually cooked a little bit this weekend, and I decided to use my new dishwasher for the first time to wash the pots and pans we used.

I loaded the dishwasher, and then I don't know what came over me. I looked up and there was a bottle of dishwashing soap. Since the pans were pretty dirty, I thought I'd fill the dispenser all the way.

Have any of you noticed yet that I said "dishwashING soap" and not "dishwashER soap." Yep. It has been so long since I used a dishwasher (7 months) that I put dishwashing soap in my dishwasher.

I turned the dishwasher on, and left it, and had no plans to return. Luckily, I went back down there for something about an hour later, surprised at how long the cycle was, but happy at how quiet it was. While I was standing there, suds started pouring out of the dishwasher. Like crazy. I screamed for my husband, thinking our brand new dishwasher was malfunctioning. My husband took one look and said "oh my God, did you put dishwashing liquid in there?" And then it hit me -- my dishwasher was not dysfunctional, I was.

The suds were EVERYWHERE. Our kitchen floor is still covered in boards to protect the floor from the workmen. The suds were underneath and over them. They were piled up on my new cabinets. It was a MESS. And I had caught it and turned off the dishwasher IMMEDIATELY. I shudder to think of what would have happened if I had not come down at all.

You know your kitchen reno is taking too long when you forget how to use your dishwasher!

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