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In love with the fancy schmancy tile place!

14 years ago

I walked into heaven earlier today, otherwise known as a high end tile place. OMG - the designs and colors and fabulousness of the place made me feel faint ;)

I walked around staring at everything for almost half an hour before my appt and still only saw about 2/3 of the place. When it was time to meet with my tile god, I walked up and introduced myself. We then spent over 2 hours picking out tile and making plans. We are doing the kitchen, so needed backsplash and floor tile, but will also do an adjacent den and our master bath. My head was spinning from all the gorgeous choices. I wish I was doing 10 rooms minimum!

I am afraid of the estimate when each room gets tallied, but I did what I could to minimize expenses (like using some cheap big box tiles as fillers and only going pricey on special stuff). I am also pinching every penny until it screams in the rest of the projects, so this is our splurge. Still, when he started to discuss having a place hand make tiles in a color they custom make from a swatch I would send them, I knew we went a little too far.

As we left off, we had picked most elements and are waiting to see if Mission Tile West can make up a batch of their field tile in a lighter and brighter version of lavender rather than custom blend a color for me (more like it looks on the website than the one I saw in person). If they can tweak their color, then there will be no upcharge for it. Then I can use the coordinated liner tile they make, as planned, because those include picking the color combo. I would not bother if they don't make my field tiles because we are pulling the color of the field tile to be an accent within the liner. I'd probably end up with a simple liner tile from someone else because I would not need a color match.

Mock up of backsplash:


I found a beautiful flat rope liner in marble for my bathroom floor. I am making a faux rug with basketweave and needed the border trim to go with it. I also am making a faux tile rug for our den floor with a pattern in the middle. It is called tumbling block by one place and the tile guy said it is a "Hermes" pattern.

inspiration for den floor, tumbling block/Hermes (only look at middle, will be black, white & gray):


We also planned out the hex tile with border for the kitchen.

This is my inspiration kitchen floor:


I feel like we got a lot accomplished and it feels great to see my ideas coming together. I had started my kitchen vision based around the backsplash, so getting it right is key. I feel like the tile is such a key element to the look that if it does not come out right, the rest won't matter half as much. If I get the tile right, then it will all flow.

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