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Finished Kitchen Cream & Blue Cabinets '80s ranch refresh pics

14 years ago

I know I have been absent for a while but, took the finished pics today. A couple little things need to be done. sorry about the quality of the pics - iphone 3G doesn't have the best camera.







Cabinets painted a mix of Farrow & Ball Lime White and Light Blue


Marble countertop Crystal Carerra - Kitchen Aid Diswasher


Wall of cabinets painted with desk top faux finished F&B Light Blue paint


backsplash (Walker Zanger Vibe Blue Shadow mosiac and Sonoma Tile creamy crackle, stovetop (Wolf 30") removed over the stove microwave and added custom hood


backsplash feature tile WZ Vibe Blue Shadow


island (marble top - painted Farrow & Ball Light Blue)




Leibherr Refigerator (counter depth) - removed upper cabinet built new surround


Where's the microwave?


it's in here - an old, old TV cabinet from my grandfather's hardware store that I attached to the end of the old island and painted to match.


Undermount Kraus Stainless sink single bowl & Rohl Perrin & Rowe faucet in polished nickel


Cabinet hardware - Old World Hardware from Myknobs.com


Chandelier (I need to lower it a little) Visual Comfort from NYLighting online


Kitchen Aid Double ovens (no convection just plain ovens) fit in the existing cabinet perfectly - that thing was heavy


More shots to show the layout:







I will post the details in more depth later.

Comments (54)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love the kitchen but I'm a whiner here...it's hard for me to gauge the blue color for some reason - like the camera didn't have enough light or something. I so want to be able to see it more fully! That Walker Zanger tile is beautiful. What color cream paint did you use? What is that on the desk - copper? The marble must feel soooo good under your hands!! :) Lovely transformation!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Really, really nice job. What an amazing makeover! You would never know it was a "refresh". Great job and I hope you enjoy your new space.

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    Comments (30)
    Regarding the "how well can you paint the cabinets if they are laminate" question. A very good question that I can perhaps answer. I had what appears to be the same cabinets in my kitchen. I hated them and wanted to paint them for what I thought was going to be a year. Turned out to be about 4 1/2-5 years before they were demo'd, and they definitely could have gone much longer. I got up one Saturday morning and started slapping on water-based Kilz with a little foam roller. After I'd done most of them I realized I'd forgotten to wash and de-grease them as I'd intended. Too late. So they had the 1 coat of Kilz, 2 coats of blue-green Benjamin Moore latex eggshell. Not cabinet coat, not anything fancy, no gloss coat, no tricks. In fact, a friend who had never painted before helped on a few cabinets. Actual painting time was short -- the only thing that made it take awhile was drying time between coats. I painted the insides as well, including the horizontal contact surfaces. I stored heavy crockery on those shelves, which I scraped across the painted surfaces, and I saw only tiny scratches on those particular surfaces by the time I demo'd. The cabinet fronts were perfect. I don't have dogs who scratch at cabinets for their treats, or kids who play "carpenter" and hammer on them, but they definitely held up well, particularly for the extremely casual way I painted them. If you take a little care, there's every reason to believe your results should be at least as good, if not better. Their slab surfaces made them extremely easy to paint by roller and brush. On mine, the oak strip was a component of the cabinet and could not be removed without leaving a big gap. But I believe several companies made cabinets like this, so yours may be different.
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    To answer some questions: The ceiling height in the kitchen/living room is 8 feet. The height in the dining room vaults from 8 to about 9.5 feet. I'll post some pictures of the pantry and backsplash pretty soon - my daughter left on a camping trip and took the camera with her. There are some more pictures on the photobucket slideshow linked in my original post, but probably not as close up as you want. I was being lazy and didn't want to clean up the pantry before I took pictures. :) Our Jennair range is downdraft, so it is vented to the outside. We've used the vent like 3 times in 2 months. It definitely 'pulls' the burner flame a bit to the side, but I'm not one to use it much when cooking. I really wanted the pass-thru in my design. Yes, the old cabinet door style was strange. They were custom cabinets when the house was built, and lucky for us, we have 3 bathrooms with the same cabinets! That's my next project...... I forgot to say that we DID have help on this project. I did all the design and choosing of materials, and then we hired a GC to implement it for us. They did a great job!
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    I had to read this thread again and your thought process until you figured out with the help of suggestions on how to update your kitchen and keep your quality oak cabinets. The transformation is very nice! I love the changes. This post was edited by lynn2006 on Sun, Jul 13, 14 at 0:39
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    Comments (63)
    Hi everyone - thanks again for all of your comments on my kitchen! I'm still in love and definitely enjoy spending time in there now. If I could ask a favor - CliqStudios (the cabinet company I used) is having a makeover contest. I could use all the votes I can get to push me into the final round of professional juding. The top prize is $5k, so basically a refund of my cabinet cost!! Voting is via facebook. Once per person per day from now until March 15. Thanks in advance for your votes!! When you go to the link you will need to like CliqStudios. I think my kitchen should then be at the top (make sure its my photos and labeled Lisa B). Here is a link that might be useful: Vote for my kitchen if you would please
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  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Love, love, love the colors together!! You did an amazing job! I love the different heights of the island. It adds so much more interest than just a flat island. Enjoy your great work!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love it so much! First of all, I want to make out with your floor! And that is the original tile, no? Nice!

    I hated your wood knobs in the first photos. You worked wonders with paint and hardware and got lots of gorgeous big stuff along the way! Congrats.

    I had the WZ catalog and was drooling over that tile you chose for the detail. Great taste! Enjoy.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a change! Very clean and sleek yet classic with the white, stainless and carrera. Really beautiful - you must be very excited! Sure hope ours comes out so great!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow!! I love your color combinations and it is really hard to believe it is the same kitchen & cabinets. That must have been a lot of work... how did you paint the cabinets? Also, which F&B paint did you use and how do you like it? I really love your new space, really charming and elegant all at once. The marble looks really great with the color scheme too. Your refrigerator looks great in that cabinet and I love the little curtain under the desk. Congratulations on a job well done.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I too, am drooling over the floor and it looks like it's the original! Is it brick? Or tile?

    And I want to reach into my computer and run my hands along that marble counter. Luscious!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You'd know I would approve of a blue and white kitchen, but what I love the most is how the combination made that brick floor go from ho-hum, old and tired to something fantastic. They are really great together. Nice job.

    Can I suggest one tweak? Looks like you could build a higher shelf inside that old TV cabinet and raise the micro to where I think it would be easier to use and you could gain a wide shelf for things like table linens or trays. I like to claim lost space like that. ;-)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    lascatx: You hit is on the head... the floor looked dated but with the new color scheme it is fabulous. Very inspired choices.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    YAY!!! I've been thinking that we haven't heard from you in a while. Absolutely gorgeous..the marble, backsplash, faucet, paint choices, flooring,lighting everything is so wonderful. Great choices all together. You must be loving it.
    I'm installing my sonoma tile in a few weeks, than I can finally post a finished kitchen too!

    Thanks for sharing.....take some photos with something other than the iphone if you can. I think the colors will show so much better.

    Amazing job, congrats!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow, lovely job. I bet you enjoy that space immensely now....

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you chana_goanna, beachbum, malhgold, angel411, cienza, lascatx, bestyears and others for all your wonderful comments. It took a while but, worth it. Now on to the lovely 1950s blue bathrooms (when I save some more money)

    Buffalotina - DH painted the cabinets supposedly according the the professional advice on this forum by the paint guy. I caught him not following the plan though but, was sick of fighting over it. We painted with a brush. Somepeople don't like the brush marks and some pay extra to get them so I am just glad to have them painted. We used Farrow & Ball Estate Eggshell that others had recommended. It's very low sheen and a lot different than the BM Impervo we used in the pool house for our cabinets in there. The F&B Estate Eggshell is much easier to work with and cleans up with water. That's what Crown Point uses for it's custom cabinets as stated on their website.

    Bickybee - the floor was put in by PO (previous owners) It is brick but, is a brick paver that looks just like old brick. I am going to have it cleaned and resealed soon. Brick is very common in Lousiana in houses as it is cool and it is hot here. I like it a lot. Wanted to white wash it but, no one could tell me how to do it. Never considered replacing it as it is in the adjacent halls and living room too. I have seen the paver in a local store. mine has that special patina - dirt!

    Sabjimata - LOL about saying you "hate" the wood knobs. I like blunt. I think we would get along in real life. Previous owners added on this wing of the house in circa 1980 something. My backsplash piece with that WZ tile that you were drooling over really wasn't that expensive (not cheap) because I didn't need too much of it. The little trim pieces were what was expensive.

    theresse - I know it is so hard to photograph that color it is really much prettier than the picture looks. I have the walls in my dining room painted that color to the F&B Light Blue and it's hard to photgraph. It's a grayed down, light blue. I tried really hard to capture it. I'll try in some different light. DH will be home next week with her digital camera, i'll try it.

    See in this professional picture from the internet using Light Blue in a bathroom it also is very elusive in the photo


    not my cabinets but, some in light blue

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I want your floor!!!!!
    What an absolutely gorgeous job you've done! Every detail appears to be carefully thought out and chosen. The result is so unique and beautiful!!!!

    Enjoy and thank you so much for sharing. I'm going to look at the pics about a dozen more times now.........

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Positano - thank you for the compliments. I can't wait to see your finished kitchen. It is really nice to walk in there and it is done. DH has to fix a few trim pieces to put up. What would you do with the space above the fridge?

    Any thoughts on that. I was thinking maybe a tray or plates? I had to get the workers to redo that cabinet about 3 times so I am not entirely pleased with it but, the labor was cheap.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Standing ovation! You started with good bones in that plain Jane kitchen, and now it's gorgeous!! Love the backsplash, the marble (and I'm not a big marble fan), the repurposed TV cabinet, the floor, and your little doggie. My 6-year-old son wants to see more dog pics. :-)

    Great job!! YOu must be so happy with all of it!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You have created a lovely space, I love the calmness of it.
    Great choices.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    At first I didn't see the word "before" and wondered what to say - not that it was that bad, but it wasn't stunning, not like the after pictures. I love the combination of colors and the marble counters. Great choices.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Love, love, love all the touches of blue! The floor looks spectacular with the updated kitchen.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't even like blue and I LOVE it!! The tiles are gorgeous, gorgeous, and everyone is right that the materials are fantastic with your floor. A whole new feel to your home. An old-fashioned warmth and comfort...I hope you take that as a compliment because I sincerely mean it as one.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mmmmm. That is my favorite blue!!

    Now I'm wanting to paint my cabinets that color....

    Thanks for the temptation!



  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    How is that a "refresh"? It looks like a brand new kitchen! Holey buckets!

    I love the colors you chose, and it looks so good with your brick floor--which I adore!

    You did yourself proud, Miss kimmieb! Wow and wowow!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I hope all these wonderful comments have convinced you not to white wash that brick floor. I can see why you might have wanted to lighten things up in the "before" stage, but now that brick sings! It is something to cherish and just wouldn't be the same if you lightened it.

    I may have to look at that blue for my bathroom.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a great kitchen. I love your choices. The blue and white is so pretty. The blue of the backsplash is perfect. The faucet and marble... I could go on and on. Just lovely.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This is beautiful!! I really like the cream and blue combination.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    And might I add that if there is another "breaking the rules" kind of thread that comes up on here...kimmieb better post her kitch...so many sites warn against blue in the kitchen! So odd considering Martha has built her entire Macy's empire on that exact color.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Very nicely done and so different! Love the use of the re-purposed piece from your grandfather's store!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Delicious! Yup, that's the perfect word for your kitchen. I love your color choices. I wish all my kitchen needed was freshly painted cabinets to make it look as good as yours does.

    rhome, I'll bet you like that blue because it's a gray blue and gray is one of your favorite colors.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What a refreshing change to your kitchen. As a blue person, I really love your cabinet color. The dog is very cute, too.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    kimmieb, just beautiful! I absolutely love the blue; maybe you could borrow a friend's digital, because it would be lovely to see it all a little more clearly. In some of your internet pictures the blue looks like my kitchen walls. I also love the "upcycled" TV cabinet and the gorgeous chandelier. And I agree about the floor... tons of character!

    Excellent job... congratulations!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Are you kidding?? Fantastic! When I was a kid we would go to a house with marble like that on a table and make candy. I think your blue is my new inspiration for my bathroom when I remodel someday. Thanks for sharing.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I meant to ask you before. What brand and color grout did you end up going with? Sanded or unsanded? DO you know what size grout line? I have the same tiles a shade darker waiting to be installed,and now I have the dreaded grout decision! I figured your color and brand would give me a jumping off point.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Amazing transformation! Few questions-
    1> Is that a 30" custom hood? I've been looking for a picture of one! If so, an you give the measurements of the doors and the skirt underneath. I think you got the proportions just right!
    2. Did you remove a very small soffit above your cabs in order to put in the crown?
    3. Is "crystal" carrera a special type of carrera?

    thank you for sharing!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you all for your compliments again, they mean so much to me because the finshed product is all US as we did all the work beside the tilework, counter install, and the cabinet rework over the stove. I know it's not a flashy, brand new $100k kitchen but, I am really proud of the end result working within the current footprint and budget I had. I think you appreciate it so much more when you lay hands on it all. And I paid for it too with my money! Never dreamed 2 years ago, I would be installing appliances, drilling holes, painting cabinets, etc.

    Scrappy25 = I will post seperately the info you wanted on the custom hood and some inspiration pics I had used. I am surprise it turned out halfway decent b/c the workers I used spoke no English. I had to make them redo it 3 times. Turns out the guy thought I didnt' know what I was talking about. You should have seen it at first. I almost cried. But, they redid it and it turned out I think pretty good.

    JSween - I will get the better camera when my daughter comes home this weekend.

    Positano - the grout was sanded and snow white is the color. The tile setter talked me out of the smallest grout line and we did the 1/8 one. Polyblend.

    Scootermom here are some more dog pics for you. Ironically 2 of these pictures of my ShihTzu Abby have here with our cats who bug her and she doesn't like it. I also included a cute pic of the ShihTzu that I bought my Mom for christmas this year. I love these dogs. I have had 2 of them and they are awesome.





  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the grout info, that helps a lot! Did you think the color came out true to the color chart?
    The dogs are adorable!!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I forgot to do the details part.

    Dishwasher Kitchenaid KUDE60FVSS - AJ Madison

    Double Oven Kitchenaid KEBK276SSS - AJ Madison

    Refrigerator Liebherr CS2062 - AJ Madison

    Cooktop Wolf 30" gas - Local dealer

    Vent hood 300 CFM vent internal - local dealer

    Ice Maker KitchenAid KUIS18PNTW - PO had put in

    Sink Kraus 32" 18 gauge single bowl stainless - Overstock

    Faucet Rohl Perrin & Rowe Bridge with side spray in polished nickel - source not recommended - also got the soap dispenser and sink grid

    Marble - White Crystal Carrera honed 3 CM - ogee edge on bar add on - local dealer Capital Stone

    Cabinet above stove & surrounding refrigerator - custom

    Island end cabinet - repurposed old cabinet

    Other Cabinets - existing - painted and removed uppers over fridge & stove

    Knobs - Old World Classic Hardware BMH-35626 - Old Iron finish 1 3/16", 1", myknobs.com

    Pulls on large cabinets - Old World Classic Hardware - Fake Keyhole Eschutucheon - Old iron - myknobs.com

    Drawer pulls - Old World Classic Hardware - Bin Cup Pull - 1 1/4" small - old iron - myknobs.com

    Trash pull out pull - Hafele - Bordeaux - 12" appliance handle - my knobs.com

    Island Chandelier - Visual Comfort Sandy Chapman TT Linear Branched 10-light chandelier - lightingnewyork.com

    light over sink - Visual Comfort Studio Flush Mount SL5001AN/SLEG-WG Antique Nickel - on clearance as a returned item - Bellacor.com

    Paint on cabinets - Farrow & Ball Estate Eggshell in Light Blue and Lime White - ordered online from F&B

    Paint on walls, ceiling - Farrow & Ball Estate Emulsion Off White - ordered online from F&B

    Feature Tile behind stove - Walker Zanger Vibe Blue Shadow Moroccan Mosaic, Vibe Blue Shadow Rail Mold 1 3/8" X 6"
    Creamy Crackle Warren Liner 1/2" X 8" - Stafford Tile - Baton Rouge office
    Other backsplash - Sonoma Tile Creamy Crackle 3" X 6" tile - Stafford Tile, Baton Rouge

    Grout - Polyblend sanded grout in Snow White

    Desktop Faux Finish - DIY

    Windows, Floors, doors, molding, plumbing etc - original from PO


    Braided Jute Rug - Ballard Designs

    Hand towels on oven - Pottery Barn

    Cafe Curtains Fiji in off white linen & rod/clips - Bed, Bath & Beyond

    Barstools - French Country stools - Ballard Designs - repurposed painted F&B Shaded White - left over from another project

    Vendors used/feedback:

    Bellacor.com - I have bought a funch of stuff from them and they were great. Highly recommend their clearance stuff.

    AJ Madison - Local dealers weren't helpful at all and their price was much better. I knew it was risky but, I saved almost 30% on my whole order with promos, free shipping & delivery, etc. They shipped from NY to LA and while I wasn't really thrilled about the local freight guys they used who took fridge out of box b/c it wouldn't fit in their truck... overall I would recommend AJ Madison. I had to buy my Wolf stove here from a dealer and they were outrageously expensive and wouldn't discount anything. In a small city it's hard to get good service.

    lightingnewyork.com - took a while to get chandelier but, from what I understand all Visual Comfort items take a while. I am nuetral on my experience with them b/c their order tracking online wasn't very helpful.

    Stafford Tile New Orleans/Baton Rouge - highly recommend them. Tile was delivered in just a few days. Very helpful. Kim at the Baton Rouge office is awesome.

    EFaucets - if you haven't seen my post on here about how I got ripped off by them, then read it and be careful. This experience cost me a Shaw farmhouse sink or $1000 + the $300 or so I had to pay for another sink. FOR SALE cracked sink - in my garage - still in box

    Myknobs.com - never had a problem - don't really like their shipping policies about multiple vendors on one order. But, they had what I liked and I got it all within a reasonable amount of time.

    farrow-ball.com - takes a little time to get paint so if you need it fast hopefully you have a local dealer.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    thank you kimmie! I'll be stalking the forum for the directions on the hood.You have many other wonderful details also.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Swooon, I love it!!! I didn't know you shouldn't do blue in the ktichen, I painted my kitchen walls blue. Oh well. I love F & B paint-I'm definately using it in the next time I paint.

    What type of runne is that? Jute? Wool? How do you like it?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    PPS7 Thank you. I have read that greys and blues aren't good in kitchens because they make food look bad. I could see that if you had plates that color but...

    The runner is from Ballard - Braided Jute. It's really thick and cushy for in front of the sink.

    Here's the link


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you! Those look really nice. I especially like that it has rubber backing. Does that hold it in place or are you still using a rug pad? Also I'm concerned about the thickness. Does it lay flat or do you trip on it? Thanks for all the info!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    pps7, my walls are blue, too, so I am definitely a rule-breaker, too! ;^)

    I had to come back and look at these pretty pictures, and now there are cute doggies and kitties on here as well! Bonus!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Pps7 yes the rug has a rubber backing and doesn't slip at all.. I like it but it is thick.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yours is one of the most beautiful kitchens I have ever seen on the forum! Your cabinet colours are outstanding, and that backsplash is out of this world. Congrats on your refresh - bet nobody would ever guess it wasn't a complete remodel!!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Blue is a problematic color to photograph. Having blue walls in my livingroom i have encountered problems when taking pictures.

    I have to echo that your cabinets are wonderfully done. I love those colors. Pale blue is such a nice color and why I have household color scheme of blue and green.

    I think you were successful in recapturing the look you were going for from your inspiration photos. As someone who is freshening up her kitchen, this is inspiring.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    What an amazing transformation!! It doesn't seem like the same kitchen. I love, love, love your marble. Your light is great too.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Redroze thank you for the wonderful compliment!

    Denicast you and I share the same color love. I didn't even like blue until discovering all the new greyed down ones. My living room is green:blue and my laundry is too. Oh i forgot dining room too My family is beginning to think I'm obsessed with the color and the whole house is only going to be this color.., it just works in this house. For the decade before I had all red, green, gold...

    Bostonian thank u

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    "My living room is green:blue and my laundry is too. Oh i forgot dining room too My family is beginning to think I'm obsessed with the color and the whole house is only going to be this color.."

    My response would be, "That is a problem because...?"

    One is most fortunate to be able to live in a blue and green home.

    Here is a link that might be useful: life dithyrambic

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    kimmieb - wonderful kitchen, congratulations. I especially love the blue cabinets and the backsplash. And the marble of course. So wonderful, enjoy!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    So funny, but I am not a blue person for home decor and yet love how yours looks!
    I also would never have thought I'd like your Walker Zanger tiles from seeing them on the mesh, but with the grout and on the wall, they look fabulous! This forum is really great for seeing things you may not have considered or things you had considered and getting a chance to see them in the real world.
    Your faucet, on the other hand, I always would have loved and seeing it confirms that ;)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    kimmieb - What an extremely thoughtful, resourceful and inspiring "refresh" - I am sure you will like it more than you would the 100K kitchen (I do :) because you did it yourself, worked with what you had and made it your own. Not to mention that you used an incredibly fabulous and relaxing color in the kitchen.

    I say... gray-blue, blue-gray, gray-blue, a little green-gray and maybe something slightly purple-blue-gray - that is where my brain lives these days. My old place was more yellow/beige and fresh greens/blue-greens. I had to fight myself to not make our current place blue-gray inside and out but needed other colors - if only to complement/accent more blue-gray :)

    It is amazing how color preferences can shift. Believe it or not my horizon's actually expended after many hours on the kitchen and home decorating forum. I even painted a bathroom tomato red! I hope your kitchen inspires more beautiful colorful painted kitchens.