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how to chose rug size for dining room & living rooms.

17 years ago

Ok, I need advice on size of rugs and if they should match. Here is pic of rooms. The rug in the living area is going bye bye. Actually the one I like is just like it but is that black version. But I am not sure if it will look good with the one in dining room being more formal, which I think it should be. Anyhoo...


I want rugs under table and in living space. Should they match?? Also, how big should the dining room rug be. diningroom is about 11x13. We only extend leaves during holidays. We are putting in laminate flooring so I was thinking about an 8x10 to allow about 2' of wood around perimeter of room. But when I extend the table, the person at open end of room will be off the rug. I could add a temporary rug at end for them to be on. It is only for a day or so so I am not really concerned about the look of the extra rug. What should I do, what do you all do??

Also, should the rug in the living area match the dining room? I could get matching rugs but do the dining room one in black background and the livingroom one in a tan background. What do you all recommend or do??

Thanks all.

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