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I'm a mess and way too hung up on labels and rules. Help me!

10 years ago

Everyone always teases me about how I have 100 things started (decor/house stuff) and rarely get anything finished. For a long time I couldn't quite explain, even to myself, why I do this and it is very frustrating. It's actually upsetting, embarrassing and chaotic to always have half the house in a state of "not quite done". I often feel like I can't enjoy my home because it's never done. I dread people coming over.

Just recently though I think maybe I am beginning to understand something that might be the problem, or a chunk of it.

I don't feel like my personal style fits in to a neat label but I'm so anal I haven't figured out a way to mix things up. Or maybe I just like too many styles and can't decide? I don't know. All I know is I adore (not necessarily in this order)

Shabby Chic - looks comfy and relaxed and it's budget friendly ... in the pics it looks so pretty and feminine and like I could just sit and relax and be totally comfortable without a care in the world.

English Cottage/Lodge, lots of dark wood, love reds and greens, I think plaids rock and I have always had a love for dark woods - especially browns like walnut. My floors in this house are all stained walnut

Primitive (not the over the top cutesy stuff, but the actual antiques/look) & some aspects of Early American/Colonial - love the earthy colors, especially the barn reds, dark greens, the weathered looks and I'm a huge antique lover (though I don't have the budget to really indulge this

French Country - I'd love to spray paint everything black and then wrap it in burlap!

These styles have some common ground but I have trouble meshing what I like about each together to form my own personal look. What happens is I try really hard to stay within a style but then end up wandering off and bringing in things that don't "go" and then I get upset and start over with another look. As a result, I half finish a room 10 times and never really "finish".

Advice on how to go about figuring out a way to mesh my favorite aspects? It seems so many of the items could play well, but when I try it looks crazy. I really need to see example photos.

I actually "completed" two rooms in strict prim a short time ago but then realized that in my desire to be a purist and achieve "the look" I had created two extremely uncomfortable spaces that we avoided whenever possible. Who really wants to relax in tiny antique straight back chairs? Ever tried watching a movie in one of those high straight back settees? Oh, and having dinners (with kids) at 150 year old farm house tables might look pretty but seriously, it doesn't work. Mine was the real deal - complete with square nails poking up and tipping over glasses whenever we'd set down a drink on one. The "lovely character marks" were really craters waiting to collect bits of food which had to be cleaned with a q tip. I spent more time digging food out of the crevices and then re oiling the wood yada yada yada then cooking or enjoying the meal. What a waste of time.

Then I decided I wanted to lighten and brighten and get comfy, so I blew in with a ton of white paint and shabby'd the place up. It was comfortable ... sorta. Except then spent the next 4 months standing gaurd over the white sofa and chairs with a spray bottle of oxy clean and a keen eye just waiting for someone to put their feet up. Ha, lay on my white sofa in your street clothes? I think not! I think the slipcovers spent more time in the washing machine than on the furniture. Relaxing and enjoyable? Heck no, I could never sit down! Plus I missed some COLOR .... love love love my red!!

So, since you guys seem to know everything (and I mean that as a compliment, seriously) :), I'm looking for advice on figuring out a livable, enjoyable, practical way to incorporate the looks I love in to a style that has less of one of those labels on it and more of a "me" label.

I'm a very visual person, so example photos will speak to me way better than simply telling me.

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