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Emotional wreck, need to vent

14 years ago

I am in a tizzy of emotions right now.

DH and I have been TTC for 2+ yrs. After 25 long months, I finally got pregnant!!! Unfortunately, it was very short-lived, as I found out on Monday that my hormone levels were very low and were not increasing appropriately. :(

I was told yesterday to prepare for an inevitable miscarriage. Needless to say, I was pretty shocked/upset/sad/anxious.

Monday (before we knew about m/c) DH volunteered us to pick SS up on Tues. Tues. is normally BM's day, but SS had his winter program at school at 7 pm last night and DH said it was silly for BM to pick him up at 3:30, drive all the way home, and then all the way back. We live a couple blocks from school so DH told BM "he" (meaning me) could just get him. Personally, I don't see why he is doing BM ANY favors---but DH pointed out that he was doing it more so SS didn't have to spend all afternoon in the car. I see the point, as BM lives 30+ mins from SS's school.

So whatever, DH told me he would pick him up, no biggie. I didn't really mind picking SS up as of Monday, but then Tuesday morning was when we got the bad results from my bloodwork. Anyway, yesterday afternoon DH called and said he couldn't leave work to get SS and could I? I kind of balked at it and he got really irritated and said there was no reason I couldn't. Truthfully---he was right but I told DH I just really didn't feel like being around SS and he got all offended.

UGHHHH. I shouldn't have said that, I know. I don't blame DH for being irritated with my comment. I don't even know why I said it other than all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. I honestly would have preferred to have not had to pick my own DD up, and be with her---not because of HER, just b/c I didn't feel like being around ANYONE. It was hard to put on my happy face for the kids, ya know?

But honestly...just if I am being honest on here...DD gives me a sense of comfort. I was happy to have a hug and kiss from her after school, it made my sadness a little less. I don't feel that w/SS. I was really angry and resentful of DH for what felt like to me---dumping him on me as I am sitting around just waiting to miscarry. :(

Anyway, I apologized to DH and tried to explain to him that I just really felt like being alone, etc. He got over it and said he understood and he was very caring/sympathetic to me last night, so that was good. But now I am feeling guilty for not only saying it---but feeling it.

I miscarried in the middle of the night/early morning today, so it's over. :( I am partly relieved that the wait wasn't long. Anyway, I am just feeling very irritable/depressed/crabby today and wanted to get this out. I feel like my emotions are all over the place.

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