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Insane (probably stupid) theoretical question

Pooh Bear
15 years ago

First I would like to state that I am not going to do this.

I have no way of doing this. I have no place to do it.

It's got to be illegal not to mention dangerously stupid.

It just ain't gonna happen. But I have always wondered....

Many years ago I went to school with a boy whose house

was right next to some high voltage transmission towers.

These were the lines that carried power over the mountains.

I got to thinking about this....(uh-oh, here comes trouble).

Those lines have got to have a very powerful emf around them.

So, if I was to consider the lines the primary side, and

place a coil of wire under them as the secondary side,

would I have in effect created a transformer that I could

get power from and use for my mad scientist laboratory?

This fluff-for-brains Pooh Bear wants to know.

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