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Shopping replacement windows..Low E glass and houseplants?


I just was told by an Anderson Renewal salesperson that in my state, it is a law that all windows have to be low E. I grow a lot of plants in the house and naturally I would expect a lot of people do. It is even healthier air quality to have plants in the what is with the required low E? I just read somewhere that it cuts down 25% of the light coming into the house. That is a LOT in my house where I have low light conditions as it is and I am always looking for a way to grow plants that are not low light.

Our windows are on their last legs. They are original to a 1950s built home and I get condensation on the inside when the heat is on and can't see out the windows. our glass is also so old, it never gets clean and clear even after you wash and wash them.

BTW, replacement windows are too expensive...have no idea how we are going to replace them. $12,000. estimate from Anderson Renewal for 12 windows!! That is a thousand dollars per window for a small double hung. 12 years ago I bought a Marvin custom designed window that was about 6ft wide and was that much money. How can that be?

There must be another way??


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