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A liitle help or advice or something?

16 years ago

Hi all, I come seeking some kind of advice or words of wisdom. I have been a single mother of two wonderful children for the last 6 years. In those six years I only dated one man and the relationship didn't really go anywhere. But now I have meet someone who truely takes my breath away. We are engaged, but it seems like the longer we are engaged the less I want to get married. Hes great in almost every way. So whats the problem? I can't stand his children. He has two sons, one is eight and the other is five. Their mother is out of the picture, so dad has had to raise them. They are rude, lazy, selfish children who get away with everything. The oldest failed second grade and has a bed wetting problem. I have installed in my children the importance of education, so it bothered me a lot when this child was not reprimended by his father. Instead his dads main priority has been keeping it a secret from grandpa, who happens to hold a ph.d and works in education. The bed wetting issue is horriable as well. Neither dad or son cleans it up, so the house has began to smell like urine. The blankets are stuffed in the closet. Sometimes I wonder if the smell even bothers them. It seems as if me and my children are the only ones bothered by it. However, the oldest doesn't even come close to the youngest child. i hate taking this kid out in public because of the things that he does and says. He is so misbehaved and always manages to get his way. It is very obvious that dad favors him. He is always getting into the pop and snacks without aking, so there are never any left for the other kids. He follows his dad every where, curses, constantly rubs on everyone. The list goes on and on. I have read various articles and post online and they all say that the father has to step up and do the discipline, I have talked to him about it but it only leads to arguments and him asking me what I want him to do "go beat them?", which is his way of making me shut up. It is extremely hard for me because I have raised my children pretty much the exact opposite. Example: My children don't just get games and toys they have to earn them. On the other hand his children each get a new xbox 360 game everytime they go to a store. It puts me in a bad place because my children see his with new games and toys all the time and they wonder why they get all the neat stuff but they are not well behaved or successful at school. Another thing my children see is his kids acting like complete misfits and getting away with it. The behavior of the youngest really stresses my son out. As far as my children and my fiance, he is wonderful with them and they really like him but hate his kids. I know that I am pushing him away and it seems like we fight every other night. He expects me to discipline them, clean up after them and help them with school work. I have told him that I will help him but that I wasn't going to do it all. But he still expects me to do it all, but his children don't listen to him let alone me. I love this man, but I don't know how this can work? I have told him that we have different ways of raising children and it won't work. I want to leave but than he says I'm abondoning him and we need to work out our issues instead of running out. But nothing ever changes. Can it work?? When people have different views of parenting? I feel so lost because I love him, and he is so great with my children so I feel bad, like I should be the same with his and its my fault?

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