Door question OK? Andersen Frenchwood doors seem unlockable!
17 years ago
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Comments (18)
- 17 years ago
- 17 years ago
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18" double doors in place of standard 36" front door
Comments (19)You guys are crazy! I have 3 sets of double French doors on the back of my house, which for us is the only doors we access every day. They are very surcure! But mine are NOT 2-18" in a 36" door space(my utility is though). I'll talk about utility doors later. My 3 sets double doors are 2-24"(each). One door on all 3 pairs, on the inside side of the door, has a top and a bottom latch lock and makes this door stationary. When the opposite door (passage door) is open you can see these two brass locks if you look up and down on the inside of the door where the cylinder catch latch hole is. They lock inside the molding above the door and into the threshold on the bottom...Was not unaffordable at all. I also have one double deadbolt lock on all the passage doors on all three sets of double French doors. It's a personal preference to have a knob on both doors of one set- one can be a dummy knob. They are very convenient when needing to get oversized furniture inside or out. Just open the passage door and unlatch the two brass latches, on top and bottom of the stationary door land open them both, it's that simple. However, when you close them you must latch the locks down, if not anyone can push them open even if the passage door is locked. When all 3 sets of my doors are open(makes up my back wall) it lets the outside in. They are also great for entertainmenting as my doors or in the keeping room where some like to gather to watch the game and use the restroom but still be a part of the outside party too. The original Postee is wanting this look above, but she only has a 36" max space opening drawn on the plans and can't make it larger(if I'm correct?) I see this is an OLDER blog, but I felt I needed to add my two cents just in case others read these just like I am at the moment, the photo at bottom are of my house double doors, the 3 set is to the left of the picture there is a hallway that they fall into....See MoreDoor fone Intercom Help
Comments (11)Ok I discovered something new here. I disconnected the keypad, and only powered the Doorfone. The Doorfone unit works on DC power and unlocks the lock only when both the positive and negative door strike contacts are connected to the electric lock. It is when I only have the red door strike contact connected to the lock that it makes noise like it is working, but does not open the lock. So my question is can I add the negative door strike contact from the Doorfone to the Diagram A from above? Would I simply add this to the negative connection on the doorlock along with the diode? Or do I risk a short somehow? Thanks again for all the help...See MoreAnother Andersen question
Comments (14)It is worth the money because the addition of a LowE coating can save upwards of 35% or better in a hot climate and upwards of 18% or better in a cold climate - all else being equal. Whoever said 6% in your climate is wrong. It is better because it will raise the interior temperature of the glass in your windows in the winter making the room more comfortable at lower actual temperatures thus enabling you to keep your thermostat lower in winter. And it will reduce or eliminate the potential for interior condensation on your windows as well during the winter...although this isn't really a major consideration in your climate. The differences between the 200 and 400 series are a lot more than just LowE coating. The LowE coating is an option on the 200's as well. To get a true comparison price the 200's with coating and use the difference between those and the 200 without to compute the price of the coating. The LowE2 coating will block both long wave and short wave IR energy from entering your home. This is significant in your climate. Short wave IR is primarily direct solar gain. Long wave IR is primarily the reflection of direct sunlight from the ground, walls, whatever else - and into your home. The 400 series also comes standard with a titanium dioxide coating on the exterior glass - which reacts with UV light to oxidize organic contaminants on the surface of the glass - making the windows much easier to clean (in fact, some companies call windows with this coating "self-cleaning") and with a factory-applied poly-film on the glass to protect it from scratches and contaminants during installation. And speaking of UV - the LowE2 coating blocks a significant portion of UV from passing thru your windows and fading and damaging your furnishings. LowE is a no-brainer. Never buy windows without it.'...See MoreAndersen 400 vs Marvin Ultimate clad
Comments (36)No, those are not installed prices. Just delivered to new construction site. The framers are installing them, under my supervision. Yes, the Andersen door we selected is terratone, a darker color than the Marvin color, but it is a door, not a window and the colors actually contrast pleasantly. Others might have a different opinion, but we liked the combination. I'm pretty sure the Andersen warranty is the same as the Marvin, and this door is under a porch that extends out up to 16 feet. It will seldom see any blowing rain or any direct sunlight. As for the showroom doors we looked at, the Andersen to us was just a better looking door. But the fit and finish looked much better to us. The Marvin's weatherstipping while probably effective looked sloppy to me, uneven, sticking out here and there. The door operation was not as smooth as the Andersen. And about $250 more in cost. So we went with the Andersen, even though I REALLY wanted to like the Marvin as it would have been easier to get it from the same dealer as my windows....See MoreRelated Professionals
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