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Door question OK? Andersen Frenchwood doors seem unlockable!

17 years ago

Sorry, I know this is a Windows forum, but since I could not find a doors forum I thought this was my closest option.

I was looking at Andersen Frenchwood hinged doors recently. They have a fairly complicated locking mechanism which involves raising the handle on the "passive" door in order to extend pins from the top and bottom of that panel, then turning the knob on the "active" door to engage hooks into the side of the passive door (hope that all make sense).

What I noticed, though, is that even when everything is locked up, turning the knob on the passive door disengages those top and bottom pins, thus leaving the two doors hooked together, but not tide into the jamb at all. At this point you can push in a good few inches on the doors, and certainly if you threw any weight at all against it you could push right through.

I'd assume this was incorrect assembly, but can anyone out there confirm how these doors are supposed to work? I would think that the deadbolt extended on the active door would prevent the passive door from disengaging, but I'd like to know what went wrong on the one I saw.



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