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What created drafty cracks in my window sill?

10 years ago

Hi.. I have moisture drafts coming out of my bedroom window and now my room smells like a damp basement. I've also noticed some cracks in the window sill. I think it may have been one of two things of my own doing but I'm not sure which.

I had brand new windows installed two years ago and neglected to paint the wood window sill. I was told that was important to keep mold out but I didn't paint them.

The main thing I did was try and keep any drafts of tiny air leaks of any kind in my room. (It's a long story but I have dilated heart probs were my heart chambers are very sensitive to deep breaths of fresh air at this point, I wanted to keep the window sealed up so only air from outside the door would waft in). So I tapped up the inside of the window with masking tape...and then put a window insulating film over the window frame to seal it up. That was last November.

Last week the drafts started coming in after a week of heavy rain, even though the plastic film was tape over it the drafts came in anyway. It's like I can't SEE were they're coming in.

My question is: Did this happen because I neglected to paint the interior window sill and then put the seal over it, making the moisture go into the frame/wall? Or would this have happend regardless of painting the window important is that? And if that is what would make the difference what should I have painted it with to properly seal it?

I still have my heart problems, I still need to sleep and may need to repeat this, but without ruining my other window if possible. The next room has the SAME window installation which is still in mint condition' so any advice on trying it again would be much appreciated.

Post with Photos coming

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