I'm not sure how I managed to make it 4.5 years with my guy....to live together...buy a home together...plan our wedding...heck, we are SIX WEEKS away from our wedding.
I can't do it. I can't. I seriously cannot.
I am sick over this.
I always had this feeling that things would get *better.* I always felt that eventually BM would get used to me being in the picture, that she would get over her jealousy and insecurities. I always felt that my fiance would handle her, draw more boundaries and stick to them.
Well, I am coming to the conclusion that she won't, and he won't, either.
My poor STBSS is the one suffering the most--he is so angry and spiteful, and deep down, I know it's just all a cover for the sadness and confusion he feels. BM is filling his head with POISON. It's awful.
But I don't know what to do anymore without bringing my daughter and myself down on a sinking ship.
Fiance picked his son up at 4:30 at the bus-stop today for his week. BM called him at 4 pm and said she was meeting them there. WHY?!!! Because she wants to get her son all riled up--fiance asked her not to come, but she said she would if she wanted to. Not much to do to stop her. Sure enough, she cried when he got off the bus and in front of him, started trying to convince my fiance to not do this week by week thing. (GAL said that if they can come up with a better plan, and agree, then have at it---otherwise, the custody will be week by week from here on out. My fiance is in favor of week by week--BM hates it.) She CRIED in front of her son and said that a week is too long to go without seeing him....so, of course, STBSS got all upset and cried and told his dad that he needs to stop being mean to his mom. He said he doesn't want to make his mom cry because she "has a sad cry."
Fiance started getting their son in the car, and then BM switched tactics and called him a "fat f*cker" in front of their son. LOVELY.
So then fiance arrives home with STBSS at our house and we had a most unpleasant dinner with STBSS crying about not wanting to be here for a week, how his mom wants to "share more." Sigh.
I hate that this is going on in his mind, and I hate that my daughter is witnessing all this. I HATE IT.
THEN---fiance has had a business charity event planned for months--the schedule has changed so much, we weren't supposed to have STBSS tonight, but everything got flipped around with the week by week schedule.
So I took the kids to a musical at our church with my mom and her husband. It actually wasn't very good and we wound up leaving at intermission and going to get ice cream.
STBSS just went on the attack to me. We got ice cream, and sat out on the patio, and he was running around the tables in circles---I asked him to please walk, and he did for a bit, but then switched back to running. Since there were other people at the tables, plus a concrete floor, I asked him to just come sit down at the table. I insisted and he refused. So my mom's husband intervened and told him to come sit down, and he dumped his ice cream cone in my mom's husband's lap.
WHAT DO YOU DO IN THAT SITUATION???? I made him apologize and then gathered both kids up and said we were leaving. STBSS had a total meltdown, he wanted to go inside and get another ice cream cone since he had thrown his down. I said no, and it was h*ll the whole way home.
He just lashes out in the worst ways. On the 15 minute car ride home, he told me that his dad doesn't love me, he hopes we don't get married, that his mom hopes he don't get married, and that he knows I am trying to make him go to a horrible school. SIGH. I just kept repeating over and over "all you need to know is that everyone loves you" and that he doesn't need to worry about grown-up things. He said he wants to live with his dad only part of the time, and his mom most of the time because his mom keeps him safe from my daughter. WTF? So she then starts crying. :( He also said that he knows all about "the judge" and how the judge is deciding where he lives and goes to school and that his mom told him the judge is on her side. We have NEVER discussed ANY of the legal issues with him--so that is ALL coming from her! I told him that his mommy and daddy will always make the best decisions for him and that's all he needs to know. (Can I just say here how much I HATE defending that woman to him??? But I would NEVER say anything bad about her to him....even though, trust me, I have had to almost SEW MY MOUTH SHUT on more than one occasion---tonight being one of them!)
I finally told him that was enough, that I was sorry he was so angry, but that it was time for quiet in the car. And then he just continued to jabber away "Can't make me, can't make me" THE WHOLE WAY HOME.
Thank god for the radio!
Then we got home and he had, like always, snapped out of his funk and told me quietly "I'm sorry" as we walked inside. This is how he always is--he rages, and says hurtful things, and then apologizes--not unlike his mother, really.
It is so ironic that he is like that because my fiance is the calmest person imaginable...sometimes he pisses me off because I wish he would get MORE angry over things!
I know that STBSS has so very much on his plate...it is awful that a little boy should have so much stress and worry and anxiety. He shouldn't be thinking (or even KNOW) about ANY of this--but his stupid mom has to run her mouth to him to get him on "her side." She is doing irreversible damage to him.
I called fiance bawling after I put the kids to bed, and he just said the same damn thing he always says--we need to continue the counseling and do the best we can. He'll be fine. Things will work out. He'll see the truth about BM down the road.
I don't think it's that simple.
This situation is going to destroy my sanity....I am already so irritable and edgy with this court stuff and I have found myself snapping at my daughrer waaaay more than I have ever done before. I don't like that AT ALL.
My own father, after our family vaca to Michigan, took me out to dinner when we got back---and told me he wants me to think long and hard before the wedding. Bless his heart...I started to tear up when he said that, soooo much money and time is down the drain...I told him that and he assured me that my happiness is worth more than all that. He then did, of course, tell me that he loves my fiance and wants it to work out for us so much--but that he just fears there is so much stress, that we will surely wind up divorced in a few years.
My gut has been telling me pretty much ever since that I need to walk away. I'm not sure how to do that. My daughter ADORES my fiance--she will be devastated. Part of me thinks I should stay with him just for that fact alone...she loves him dearly, he is the only father she has.
I don't want to bail on him for circumstances he can't control. I don't want to give up on STBSS becoming happier (he didn't used to be so unhappy, all of this started when he started kindergarten), and I don't want to give up on the last 5 years.
But I just don't think I can do this.
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