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Timing of reception after the destination wedding...

17 years ago most of you know we are doing a local reception after the destination wedding. I know that "SOME" of you don't even like the idea of destination weddings anyway, but the ball is rolling and we are moving ahead. We are having a local reception here after the wedding. I want to get the reception done as soon as we get back just to get the wedding stuff done and over with.

My fiance wants to wait until summer. I think waiting till summer will only drag it out and will seem like we are fishing for a gift or something after the fact.

His arguement is based on the date. We are getting married November 8th and I want the reception to be the Saturday after we get back. He thinks it is too close to the holidays and is too much to do at once. What do you guys think?

I KNOW - people are busy with holiday stuff, but it is right before the season gets underway, so to me, the sooner the better. I want to do it while everyone is still in "wedding mode" and not put it off. I just think it would be tacky to wait so long after the fact to have a reception.

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