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Kitchen sink size and window size

10 years ago

Is there a standard rec for the size of window over the kitchen sink? Is it a certain ratio? I would like a nice big view. :)

I am still unsure of what size sink to get but most likely it will be on the larger side. I would also love suggestions on sink sizes. I cook mainly from scratch and have some larger items to wash. I am thinking a large, one bowl sink. When I want to wash smaller items I can use a dishtub or just put the small amount of water in a pan.

As of the most recent floor plan there is an all fridge/all freezer set then a dishwasher and then the sink. If I go too big with the window there won't be room for an upper cabinet above the dishwasher. I'm not sure what size sink she has in this plan. I will ask her once I know for sure what size I would like.

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