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look what I the dark corner...

13 years ago

of a little antique shop in Ravenswood. There is a longish story about why I was in Chitown so here goes...I KNOW you guys love stories LOL.

My Dad passed away in June 2002 and Momma in April 2005. I have had their ashes all this time waiting to inter them in the plots that are in the family cemetery in Wood County OH. My remaining sibling finally got everything organized and we arranged to have a notice in the local papers and a small service. I won't go into detail but it had been 47 yrs since I was in this town ,where I was born, and I had an amazing , eye opening, tearful return...there were lots of laughs and encounters with long lost cousins also.

We left OH after 6 nights and went on to Chitown to visit an old college bud of DH's. We see him now and then on our turf but never on his. WOW....I love Chicago. We biked and walked and ooohhh and ahhhed over the amazing Victorian bungalows in his area that everyone is restoring. in the world did she get this treasure ????

I saw a little antique store and told DH I really wanted to go in before we left town. I had driven all this way from AL and had room if I found "something". The little Polish man that owned the shop was very sweet and we walked and talked and looked. Then I spotted this foyer was begging for this fixture. It was dust had these glorious fragile shades and the price was so here it is. I don't know anything about it but that is OK as it is just right for me. I love it and it looks so perfect in this area...I can't get a shot that really shows how wonderful it looks. I wish he had had 2 similar but not identical fixtures as I need one more...will have to get back to Chicago I guess :) Thanks for looking. c





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