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Monday Dec 15th...

15 years ago

Morning everyone. Thought I'd start us off on a new week of postings.

Luvs~ congrats on getting those wood pieces cut out. I'll be looking forward to seeing your projects.

I've got lots going on over here. My dad fell this morning, hit the kitchen cabinet and busted his head open. My DM took him to get stitches. My SIL spent the night in the hospital. They think she is having another ectopic pregnancy. Not good. It's supposed to start dumping snow on us again after noon so I've got to run some errands before it gets messy so I'm in a rush right now but wanted to tell ya'll.....

I found something exciting at the TS Sat. I'll be back later with a pic and details. ha I spent too much time on my other board and now will have to leave ya'll in suspense. ha Gotta dash. Ya'll have a good day. I'll be back later! ~Anj

Comments (12)

  • 15 years ago

    Oh gosh, Anj, I hope both your Dad and SIL are doing okay. Things can just happen so darn quick sometimes.

    Hope you got your errands run. DH and I went to Sam's for a few things, had some lunch out, then went to the movies since it was a chilly rainy day here. Now I'm going to go in and finish the lettering on my project, so I'll have pics soon. Might have to take the pics before I spray the sealer on since it is too cold and wet to do any outside spraying now.

    Not much else going on, so I'll catch you again sometime tomorrow. Take care and keep warm and safe.


  • 15 years ago, so busy. Sorry I never got back here to take a pic of my TS find. I've finally gotten all my neighbor gifts finished. Well, except some donut snowmen that I have to do tomorrow.

    Dad got 5 stitches in his forehead and is bruised all over his face, elbow and knee.
    They found polyps in SIL's stomach. They took one out to test for cancer, but let her go home this morning. We are waiting now.

    I've got another full day tomorrow, but will try to post the other plugs I did today. Did some snowmen and santas. I've got some more shopping to do after DS's band concert tomorrow morning. Then have a hair appt later in the evening.

    Glad you got your project finished. I have been spray sealing mine on some cardboard right outside my door to protect it from the snow. ha Oh, and I got my saw blade put in today! Took me forever. They do not make it easy to get to it. I bought those snowmen from Michaels and they had big arms sticking off of them that I didn't like so I sawed them off.

    What movie did ya'll go see? I'm still wanting to go see Twilight, but doubt I'll get to it this month. =( Well, I think the chili has simmered long enough so I'd better go dish it up before it gets too much later. You have a good night. ~Anj

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  • 15 years ago

    Good Snowy Morning!

    Looks like I will have a lot of time to bake and paint as we are getting dumped on. We had about 2" already and it is really coming down, they are predicting 3" to 5" for today and more to come tonight and tomorrow. It is very dry snow and it is cold outside! They are calling for a white Christmas which has only happened about 5 time since 1900. Our trees are beautiful, all covered in white. DH got the generator out and checked it out, we usually loose power when it snows. AH Well! The price of beauty.

    LuvÂ.soundÂs like you live where itÂs warmer than here, I just run DH out of the shop whenever I need to spray.

    Anj, sorry to hear about your Dad, but very glad it wasnÂt worse. It is so hard when people we love are injured.

    My prayers go out to you SIL. The waiting is so hard. DH had cancer about 6 years ago, and the waiting for the tests was the hardest part. The treatments were hard but we were doing something! It took surgery, then radiations and another surgery, but he is cancer free and still gets tested every 6 months.

    HavenÂt been "out" to the movies in so long. Used to take GS all the time, but now he takes his GF and leaves us at homeÂHOHOHOHO! Now we watch then on Pay For View on the TV. Better pop corn and every once in awhile I will do Banana Floats.

    Any suggestions on why when I posted the tags the picture wouldnÂt enlarge? I used the first link in Photobucket and when I previewed it, it would enlarge, but once I posted it wouldnÂt. AH! Well! Life goes on!

    Well, the lights are flickering, so IÂd better shut this machine down. Have a good week and keep safe!


    PS AnjÂwhat donut snowman

  • 15 years ago

    Good morning! Nice finding messages from you both this morning. That zero temperature doesn't sound good to my ears at all! I had a mammogram yesterday, and it was 44 when I left the house and I was shivering in my coat. I'm not complaining too much though because we are getting our much needed rains here in So. Calif. now. When I looked up at the mountains, there was the prettiest white blanket of snow all over them! It is nice to be able to "see" snow, but not have to shovel it or drive in it!

    I've got projects done, and just need to see if I can get decent pics of them so I can get them posted today. My items sure don't come out exactly like the pattern I'm using! I was laughing because even the ones I made multiples of didn't look like each other! Oh, well, they were fun to do, and I just won't show them side by side too often! LOL

    Anj, I'm glad your Dad is okay. Things can happen so darn fast, you always wish you could go back and do something different so it wouldn't have happened! I'll be praying that your SIL's tests come out negative too.

    Don't have any big plans for today, have one more project cut out that I might work on. It's raining right now and pretty chilly and grey looking out. Makes the Christmas lights on the tree and mantel look really good!

    I've decided to just make fudge and peanut brittle to package with an ornament for each of my neighbors. I just couldn't come up with any great ideas this year! I'll need to get to the store for some raw peanuts before I can make it.

    Christmas shopping is all done, and we've been watching some Christmas movies. DIL took our little GD to get a picture with Santa and she got all shy and didn't want to go near him. After lots of coaxing they finally got a couple of pics--but none with smiles! LOL

    You two have a good day. I'll be back later. Luvs

  • 15 years ago

    Hi....whew....hardly time to sit down and post, but taking a break anyway. DH's stomach started hurting again yesterday. He went to the lab and they checked his blood, but never called him back before they closed. I picked him up from work and he went with me to my hair appt, then we just came straight home. His stomach hurt all night and this morning I had to take him back to work in a horrendous snow storm. (Thanks Luvs...the weatherman said we have CA to thank for this big one!) ha The lab called on the way and said his white blood count was at 15.9 (7 is normal) so he has an infection again. They called him in an antibiotic so fingers crossed it will keep him out of the hospital. After I dropped him at work, I headed home. I could hardly see in front of my car it was snowing so bad. People were sliding off the road left and right. I was inching along at maybe 5mph for most of the way home. Took me almost 3 hours to get home on a usual 45 min drive! When I got close it suddenly just stopped like there was an invisible wall that I drove thru. No snow around my house area, but DH said it's been snowing buckets at his work all day. It is only going to 5 degrees here Sat morning!! 5 degrees!! And 17 for the high! Oh I wish I could stay home, but we have DH's work party Sat night. Brrrrrrr!!

    I've spent the rest of the afternoon wrapping presents. Got most of them done, but have a few hours in the morning to finish up before the kids get home 1/2 day and are out for Christmas break until Jan 5th. I finished up my shopping yesterday except for a couple of gift cards. Yay! Will not wait until last minute next year.
    Now just have to clean my house since I've been running around so much and then I can relax!

    Belle...the snowman donuts looked so cute I just had to make them for somebody. I'm attaching the link to the blog below that I found them on. Got all the stuff to do them up. Aren't they cute!! Got some friends I'm gonna make some up for. DD said she wants to give some to her friends too.
    Glad your DH is cancer free! My FIL also went thru the whole thing and is now cancer free. So scary. 2 of my grandparents died from it. One from smoking, the other from breathing the smoke.
    Now that we have our big screen tv, I'm just as happy to stay home and watch movies too. Way more comfortable than those movie seats and I love the pause button when you have to have a potty break. ha Way cheaper too!

    Well, I'm heading over to see if there are any new projects posted. Hope to get some of my own up soon. Later girls...~Anj

    Here is a link that might be useful: snowman donuts

  • 15 years ago

    Gosh, Anj, I'm sure sorry to hear your DH is still having stomach problems. They may not have found the underlying problem yet that is causing the infections, huh?

    I would have been so scared to drive in that snow storm. That's why I've told my DH we have to be careful where and when we travel to in our motor home. Got to avoid stowstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes! I just figured you would get more snow when our rain clouds moved that way. We got quite a bit of snow on the mountains behind us too. So pretty to look up there and see it, but not have to drive in it.

    Glad you got your shopping done. You did good, you still have a week left to go. I love those little donut snowmen but don't quite understand how to do the noses. Those would look so cute in a little box or bag.

    I made a perfect batch of peanut brittle today. Wasn't too dark or too light, peanuts cooked just right---don't always get it exactly right like that. Will make two or three more batches. I've got some cute little decorated cellophane bags I'm going to put it in for gifts.

    I always struggle with ideas for gifts, but don't remember it being as hard as it was this year. I just could not think of what to get anyone. And the prices on things have gotten so darn high on everything which sure doesn't help. ;o( We are going over to DS's Christmas Day for brunch and will stay most of the day I imagine. Need to pick a night to go look at Christmas lights too. Maybe it will warm up a bit. Not as cold as your weather, but down in the low 40's even here where it's supposed to be warm all year! LOL

    I've got a bigger Santa I'm painting on. Meant to do him last year and didn't get it done. I actually think the little things are harder and more time consuming than the bigger ones.

    I like staying home watching movies too when it's so chilly out. And my popcorn is HOT--unlike the last two times we went to the movies! LOL

    Better go, I'll chat more later. Luvs

  • 15 years ago

    They seemed to think that DH was all good, but it can be a reoccuring thing, just didn't think it would reoccur so quickly. I sure hope he doesn't have to have that surgery. It's worrying me.

    I totally hear you on the popcorn. The last few times we've gone ours has been soggy and chewy. Not good. DH actually got up last time and took it back and told them to pop him some fresh.

    The noses on the snowmen are just orange icing piped into the hole. I saw some others that used a candy corn stuck in, but I like these better. Got a can of the icing that comes with all attachments (like spray cheese). Hoping it's gonna do the trick quickly. Something different than cookies and easy which I really need right now. ha I went to the $1 Tree and they had the cutest cookie plate bags. You just set your plate into them and bow up the top. Easy! Also found something else there that I'm gonna paint and see what ya'll think of it. I'm hoping it turns out cute and ya'll like them. Gotta find a cute pattern.
    I got my house back in order and got a casserole in the oven that should be coming out soon I hope. I can't believe how late we'll be eating, but better than nothing I guess. ha

    My DM is making Chicken and Dumplings for Christmas day! Yay. I'm making a turkey, potatoes & gravy and rolls for DH and one brother who doesn't eat dumplings. The rest of us love em. Not a traditional Christmas dinner, but it's what we like. ha Of course there will be lots of dips, candies, cookies, pies, cakes and punch to nibble on for a few days too.

    I'm going to heave a big sigh of relief and try not to plan anything for the next few weeks except spending time with my kids while they are out of school and painting! That didn't work out so well last year as I remember, ha, but I'm gonna give it another try this year. If my house is a's gonna stay a mess until they go back to school. ha There is no way to stay on top of things with them home all day. I'll keep the dishes washed and the laundry up and call it good. ha I'm taking a vacation away from housework for a few weeks. Sounds good in theory doesn't it?? =)

    Well, better go dish up this supper and get everyone to bed. Ya'll have a good night. ~Anj

  • 15 years ago

    Good morning! Our rains have moved out, left a nice layer of snow on the mountains. I haven't done any yard work in several weeks, so need to get busy and do some trimming. The vines on the block wall are trying to take over! Luckily the yard isn't growing much, so only needs mowed about every three weeks or so.

    Anj, I think you are so smart to not drive yourself crazy trying to keep the house orderly while the kids are out of school. What's the point? It will just make you tired and grumpy, and you know it's going to get messed up when they are doing all the activities kids always like to do. Just do what has to be done, and use your time to join them in some games and things. Take lots of pictures too, you know they are growing up so quickly.

    Some day, they will be grown up and gone and you'll have a nice neat house and be wishing for the noise and messiness of having them around! Hard to believe I know, but true. LOL

    That's too bad your DH will have to tolerate that pain from time to time. Even the surgery is no guarantee it won't happen again is it? Sure hope the medications will keep it under control.

    My peanut brittle turned out so good yesterday. I made two batches. I'm thinking I'll make one more batch so I can take some to a couple more neighbors that I don't usually give gifts too. One is a single Mom with two teenagers, and the other is a divorced Dad who hasn't lived here very long. It's so easy to make, and I have all the ingredients on hand, might as well be neighborly.

    Your Mom's chicken and dumplings sounds yummy. I grew up eating those too. My DH prefers homemade noodles to the dumplings, so I make those allot. In fact, we even have noodles at Thanksgiving. He prefers beef and noodles, but likes them with chicken too. He even likes potato/noodle soup. Just potato soup, but you add the noodles to it. Yep, very high in carbs, so we only have it once each winter.

    I almost have my next project all basecoated. Need to do a 2nd coat on some places. I always enjoy the shading and detail work the most, that's when it really "comes to life" for me. Don't have any idea where I'll use this one, but it's one I just wanted to paint!

    I hung one of my little santa plaques on the wall next to my computer desk. I've really enjoyed looking over and seeing his cute little face. All the happy little snowmen, gingys, santas, and raggedy faces just make me smile. ;o)

    Okay, I'd better get moving. Need to accomplish something around here. I'll chat more later. Have a good day.


  • 15 years ago

    Good Morning....
    Anj, it sound like we are in the same weather path. It showed on and off all day yesterday with the temp raising to about 33, just enough for everything to start melting, then dropped by 6 PM and is still dropping. The roads are like a ice rink. DH has to go to town today...not looking forward to that! We have snow tires but most people don't and lots of hills.

    Also sorry to hear about your DH Anj, hope the new med do the trick. Surgery is scary but sometimes letter than being in pain.

    What a super idea for Christmas dinner, chicken and dumplings! Both kids have invited us for dinner but it all depends on the weather, so C & D sounds better all the time and I think a "traditional" dinner is whatever we make it.

    Glad I'm not the only one having a hard time picking out gifts this's been impossible. Everyone usually gives me a list and I go from there - not one list this year - so I was on my own and I put "return gift tags" in every package.

    I love peanut brittle, and it must love me cause it sure sticks around, but mine never turns out good. But I do a mean Fudge. And I like the snowman donuts. What a quick, easy and fun treat.

    Luvs..looking forward to seeing your new Santa. I need to paint some new ones as my display have several missing and new ones will jazz it up, well maybe add a little sparkle.

    DH just went out to warm up the truck and found a very flat tire - he is "kind" of angry as they are new.

    Better get some stuff done..laundry and all just seems to get in the way of what I really want to do...Oh! Well!

    Ya both have a great weekend!


  • 15 years ago

    Good morning! Well, I do have sunshine this morning, but it is only 39 degrees here. Didn't even stay out on the patio petting the dogs when I let them out this morning!Brrr! I can tell I'm a warm weather person now. LOL

    Not much going on here, finished my candy and got it all in the cello bags. Took one bag along with a santa mug and a pretty red poinsettia to my little friend yesterday. Holidays are so hard for her since she has no family close, no car since she wrecked it, and very limited income. She is always glad when they are over. Will be good for her if her place sells and she can move closer to her daughters.

    I've got to go get a couple of cards today, want a special one for DH and a friend. Not even interested in looking anymore--glad the shopping is done!

    Hope the two of you are at the point where you can just kick back a bit and relax. Time to just enjoy the days ahead isn't it?

    I better go get dressed and do something around here. Maybe I'll get back to finishing my santa this morning. Have a good day, and I'll check back in here later.


  • 15 years ago

    Good Morning! Well...we are now snow bound. Our road hasn't been plowed in 2 days and is about a foot deep-which for us is a lot of snow. DH had to go out and brush snow off the ornamental tree and several have broken branches. The snow slid off one side of the roof yesterday and sound like a freight train. My wood shop has 36" ice cicles. More snow today but warming up. Just as long as it doesn't rain. Can't believe we haven't lost power once...DH says it's because he has everything prepared for once. Everything is closed...even shopping centers. They are now calling for thunder snow showers. is nice that your friend has a special friend in you!

    I still have 2 more batches of cookies to bake, may end up with a lot of cookies if the family can't make it here....but they will keep.

    Finished 3 new tags yesterday and will try and post a picture of them. They were really fun to do but I sure would change the order of the instructions. I want to do then really big, as stand ups. And I am still looking for a special pattern of Santa on a oar. Painted it for a friend and wanted to do one for myself. Guess that's what happens when you put things off.

    Well! better get things going....have a good one!


  • 15 years ago

    Oh goodness, I sure hope the snow plows get your road cleared so your family can get in okay. Hate to hear the rain is coming along with more snow--that can mean some icy slick roads. Imagine you are used to this type of weather, it's been a long time for me. I can remember one Christmas when I was a teenager, we were supposed to go about 80 miles away for dinner at an older sister's house, had an ice storm and we had to stay at home on the farm. We were so disappointed that day. Just never know with the weather.

    Your ornaments turned out so cute. At least painting and being on the computer are good past times for when you are snowed in.
