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Lightning strike, but who cares?

About 1 1/2 weeks ago a lightning strike took out our electric (briefly), our phone (two days), our internet (two days), our remote phone (forever), and our computer/printer/modem (until we could order new parts, and hubby could make repairs this past week-end.)

I was standing at the kitchen sink peeling peaches to put in the freezer when I heard a loud POP off to my left side (the wall with the telephone, fridge, microwave and coffee-maker.) Simultaneously, the electricity went off, I heard the thunder-clap, and one of our grandson's BATTERY-OPERATED toys started talking. LOL, at least it was daylight, or I'd have another 'incident' to add to that list.

Anyway, after I recovered from the shock, I checked all the appliances, and found that we had no phone service. I was very relieved that the refrigerator and microwave were still working--replacing a blown remote phone is much easier, financially and physically.

Since the storm, our internet service has been intermittent, patchy and very slow. Very frustrating, so I usually give up when I start getting the "can't find the server" display. Today seems better, so far.


Our son is home from Afghanistan! He was supposed to arrive today, but was able to get here a week early--last Wednesday. After arriving in the US, he called and told us he would have to stay on base for a few days, and he would be home on Aug 3rd. INSTEAD, he took a bus to the city where our younger daughter is going to college, then she was going to give him a ride home and surprise us. Coincidentally, our older daughter was signing up for a class at the same college, on the day that he arrived. The other two decided to surprise her, and then let her in on the plan. So, she returned home as planned, and our son walked in right behind her! They were all tickled that they could 'pull a fast one' on the old folks. I had to scramble to get his bed ready, and cook a big supper to celebrate.

It's been great having him home--he walked in, and it was just as if he'd never left. He's healthy, and happy to be home for a few weeks, and he and his fiancee are starting to make wedding plans for the coming year.

My brother-in-law and his two boys are arriving today, and there is a big family re-union planned for Saturday, so this will be a busy week. I'm glad that our son arrived early, so that we could have him all to ourselves for a whole week! I'm a 'control freak'--don't usually like surprises, but this one was WONDERFUL!

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