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old dog, new tricks

17 years ago

When I was first married, I sewed everything I wore and jeans and shirts for DH. Since then, seventies, I haven't sewn anything but curtains and quilted handbags and stuffed toys for grandbabies.

Little Emma is going to DisneyWorld this summer and will be having breakfast w/ Cinderella. When I told a friend about this, she brought me about 4 yards of material with all the illustrations from the Cinderella story on it. I found a pattern, spoke with a person at Joanne's, and got to work. The pattern is BUTTERICK 3772 "Fast and Easy." I told the Joanne's lady my granddaughter was b/t a size 5 and 6, and she said that would be fine. I cut the pieces out on the lines indicating larger sizes, realizing later that I should've cut about 1/2" further out. I can look at it and tell it's too small already, and I've sewn the smallest seams possible.

I don't like the way BUTTERICK gives directions, anyway, or maybe it's been too long since I've tried to follow sewing directions.

Does anyone have advice for someone trying to get back into sewing after such a long time? Oh, and I'd like to have a hat pattern w/o paying $6 for one. Can I get one free online somewhere? TIA


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